friendship is first priority

Ken ; I don't know Advin but I think that she is the one I'm searching for.. she always understand me when I am alone but she don't know that I don't want this relationship end up . I just want to be with her .

Advin ; Are you loving her...

Ken ; shut up and care for your girl

leave me behind.

Advin; Yeah , I wanted to change myself now and I don't wanna be act like that ... I'm going to be a father soon. I don't want my child to see his dad habits.

Ken ;what about the girl . what's her name .

Advin ; forget it .That day because of that girl we are going to be seprated from eachother . Friendship is the first priority before love don't want to discuss about it.Ken but my dad will kill me after knowing this news I'm going to share in home.

Ken ; just share it. it good for you. You deserving a very nice girl .

Advin ; why you always praising her inside of mine..

Ken ; just because she is nice .

Advin ; I'm going to home now take care.

Advin come to his room after reaching home ..... I didn't ask for her number. damn it ... just go for sleep it is hard for her... I should be one for her be with her ... take care of her ... she needs me . I guess If she would not involved in this situation I don't wanna be close to her ... it's only my mean that I'm comproming with her.. The next morning Rosella go to the office for resign... office colleges: it's must be Maddie child ... yeah .. he love her crazily...

Maddie ; What Rosella come with me .

What this is all rumor ? you are not pregnant.

Rosella; I'm pregnant. I'm sorry.

Maddie ; you just broke my heart.. Rosella if you just keep me as your friend why did you told me that you will marry me if no one will marry.

Rosella; it was joke . you also know that it was joke .

Maddie ; just leave him and marry with me I'm so many years in love with you . please don't leave me . I always throught you will like me back . you said you were not in relationship and now this .

Rosella : Maddie ! I just tell you... you're just my School friend and I don't love you .. and never love you .

Maddie; so you Love with someone.with who ? this guy

Rosella : yes.. this guy ..

Maddie ; can't you see my pain in my eyes ... I Love you for years and he just stole you from me in second.

Can we stays as good friends I promise I will not annoy you .... I don't want to lose our friendship.

Rosella ; move on... be easy .. you will get a very good girl soon . I'm just here for resigned I'm leaving.

Office colleges; It's Maddie child... Rosella.

Rosella : no.. He is not .. I'm going to marry .. don't need to worry about my child father you will find it soon and I resigned it my job . hope we meet again . have a nice time spend here. I will come back soon see you .

Office colleges; okey ... kind so it will surprised for us.

Rosella call her hazel .

Rosella; shame of you calling me your friend.

Hazel ; friend. I didn't think you as my friend. you're my first enemy when you first slapped in school life . it's my revenge complete.

Rosella; the slap you deserve it that time and now you deserve more . thanks for letting me know you never think me as your friend. You were always fake used people for money, fun and I'm better than you .just I don't want to see you ever. Cheater girl ... after call dropping

Rosella, I think of her she takes me friend but she used me for just revenge. She broke my heart.. all these days I trust her be fool because of her . Why that kind of people still loving by someone. I am not loved by anyone.

Just stop taking tension be okey worries is not for you .

I have not Advin number.When he will contact me back. Right now I just want him be my side . I can trust him without knowing him .

Yezi ; Molisa ! Let's go on date for lunch I didn't celebrate your birthday.

Yezi ; why are you sad on your birthday Molisa.

Molisa; He didn't wish me just .

Yezi; maybe he is busy or just he don't care for you .... I know that people Always wants their favorite person close when it's your happy moments. but you spoiled your happy moments for those who don't care for you and make yourself unhappy. Are you mad ? just be happy . I'm with you .

Molisa; Yezi you are always good person always motivated me when I feel down . Thanks for being my friend.

Yezi ; keep your mouth shut and cut cake I want to eat ..