
Advin dad: I don't know where from he get this girl and also the girl is also pregnant with his child . The child is heir's of the family. need to accept his marriage because so many know about this news already.

Advin mom ; yeah.. people are calling for confirming.we have no other choice.

Advin come to his home . I am so mature now . I can't believe I am having family and also getting a wife .

Advin ;no more.. thing .. Just changed yourself for your family.

Tanya was calling her ..

Advin: didn't attending the call.

Advin dad calling ; Advin attended the call .

Advin ; come home we wanna talk about yourself.

Ken;Are you alright now Yezi.

you were not okey last night . you're crying making me feel bad too .

Yezi ; thanks for this ... Ken you're really good friend you supported me last night .

Ken ; no it's my responsibility to keep you happy when you are sad .

Yezi ; come have a breakfast together. it's Sunday .

Ken :why not I'm ready .

Yezi: okay have it then ...

Advin come to his home again .

Advin dad ; we are agree for your marriage..but divorced her after giving birth of child.

Advin ; no I promised her to keep her my side . I will not leave her abondend.she ismy responsibility.

Advin dad ; I just wanted you to date CEO daughter she likes you.

Advin: Dad what are you saying ... I'm becoming Father soon .. it don't suits me.

Ken ; Yezi breakfast is very tasty where is father .

Yezi ; they go for a walk .

Ken ; shall we go for a walk this night .

Yezi ; ahmm good I'll go ... with you .

staring at eachother.

Advin calls his mother in law.

Advin ; mom they agreed

Rosella mother : just come home tonight. son .

Advin ; I will come you don't worry ..Mom

Rosella opened the door for him .Rosella : you back again here . just don't come here .

Advin: why you don't wanna see me here Rosella; no you come anytime but not daily. my mom will annoy you

Advin ; no problem..

Mom ; just sit here with Rosella.

Rosella stares at him .. why he is not going.

Advin : what she is staring at me . am I looking handsome today .

Rosella; no just seeing that why you are not leaving.

Advin; I will not leave .

Mom ; Why are you forced him .he us a nice guy ..

Here is food. Eat more Advin .

Rosella serve him food .

Rosella : Mom just be him . here your food after it go home . okey understand.

Advin; huhhh I will not I find peace here .

They all finished food after it they talked with each other.

Advin feel sleepy ...I'm sleepy mom. I wanna sleep .

Mom ; you sleep on Rosella room .

Rosella you will sleep with me .

Advin ; I'm really tired ... He go her room and see a diary in her table.

Rosella wrote about Advin ...

" I know he hates me and he will not accept your existence.. one day I will told you if you want to know about your dad .. Maybe if this relationship happened he will probably choose his own girl.. what if he stole you from me my child .. I will die piecefully. at least your dad will be happy this way.. Just don't think me of bad if I marry other guy to make you feel having father.. Advin : how she thinks that she will marry someone instead of me and make my child feel like I don't exist.

Rosella: what are you doing Advin. Give me my diary..

Advin: I didn't read yet .

Rosella: Please don't touch my stuff again .

Advin ; Okay well sorry for this take this diary.

Rosella: next time don't come here okey

Advin: I will come .