
Advin; let her's my first day with her. She is my wife now and she also have a child with me.I should be responsible.. I'm becoming a dad.

phone call from taniya..

he looked at mobile ringing he slient the phone call.. go outside .

Taniya; Advin please I'm sorry very sorry I love you.. why didn't you love me now. I'm in pain.. I want your help come .

Advin ; we end up I'm not coming

Advin ;(what's happening I have already a girl in my life why she come again want to share with Ken)

Ken; Yezi wake up..

Yezi; um what happened?

Ken; time for to go work .

Yezi ; oh yeah ... I'm just leaving if you wanna can come Ken

Ken :No I'm going office Also tonight I'm meeting Advin .

Yezi ; it's okey ...

Yezi come to her work with her maneger

Molisa; you're in a good mood that's good really.

Yezi; I'm really... Eren is going to shoot with me . how can I not happy

Molisa: lucky you're lucky girl . find a crush....look at me Louis didn't approach me yet . I guess he don't like me anymore.

Yezi; have patience. He will comes to you one day... just gave him space.

Molisa: yeah giving what to do more . let's go your shoot is just begin .

Eren ; hey yuzi nice to meet you.. it's been a while since we talked with eachother.

Yezi ; yes a while really are you alright now you were sick back then .

Eren ; yeah thanks I'm okey now .

well the shooting is start from today let's go ..

Ken asked his secretary Louis to know where she go today . she was very happy.

Louis ; okay... I guess I should text Molisa she is her secretary. texted a message.

Good morning I wanna know where is miss Ken

Molisa heart skipped for a second. oh my he messaged me good morning he read full wrong ... what he is so mean person always text me this kind of stuff.

She clicked the picture of Yezi and Eren . they were looking so close .

Ken ; show me what she sends ?

Louis; I'm forwarding you messaged have a look.

Ken ; what's this? she is not Yezi

Advin ; Ken bro I wanna something discuss with you come to at bar for last time together.

Ken ; I'm already here come fast .

Advin; I'm coming too.

Advin; where is he ? I can't looking at him. here bro I'm here . I just come

I was right you come late as usually.

Ken ; yeah I was little bit upset

Advin; Why.

what happened? really..

Ken ; I was little bit jealous seeing her with a handsome guy . she likes to modeling I can't stop her .

Advin ; I understand you... you're loving her ahn

Ken ; yeah it's started from my side . she is taking me as friend.

btw congratulations guy you're married also becoming dad soon .

Advin : thanks.. actually I want to discuss this to you . I'm confused about being responsible in this age. I'm just 27 and she is also a 25 this time ..

Ken ; it's perfect time to become parents really..

Advin,; is that so.. why are not becoming you're 27 too and she is 26 already have it .

Ken: actually I don't want to discuss about it ... we need to understand first each other then we think about having child.

Advin : that's nice really .. you wanna know and looked at me I don't know her .. really we are this close and even nothing for eachother. I Wanna told you taniya is contacting me I'm already a married person.. but I still feel my feelings about her furthermore she hurts me . I'm stuck with two girls . what I need to do told me please.

Ken ; it's good to ignore her.. and if you have feelings about her then just control yourself. I guess you just impressed by her beauty nothing much ... I know she is beautiful but Rosella is very nice over her.. she is also pretty good... if I don't find my girl Yezi in this world I probably dated her .

Advin ; stop ... you didn't tell me that you're very close to her as Hazel. She looks very close to you .

Ken ; yeah she is my friend you know that.. she is nice you will find it .

Advin ; oh really... well she is my wife now and don't you need to imagine a future with her.

Ken ; Advin Are you jealous.

Advin ; why would I be jealous I just protecting her

Ken: protecting huh I'm her friend I wouldn't harm her.. you feel it so seriously I just joke about that being with her if I don't find Yezi first .

Advin ; I'm not really.. well how about I want to date Yezi if you don't get her .

Ken : shut up.. she is your sister in law respect her ..

Advin ; but she is my school friend too . that's you don't know about her .

Ken ; you didn't told me that well let it practically now . go to the office and be a good husband to her .

Just be a friend with her first so she feel comfortable with you .

Advin ;so you mean she is uncomfortable.

Ken; yeah she told me about herself alot when Hazel ignore me... I become her friend. I'll told you she Will heal your trauma that you had for years .

Advin ; what just you remember me ... oh man I had just forgotten..

Ken; it's time for me to go home. she comes early.see you later

Advin ; it's already evening now .. let's go home . Advin be like a serious man now I wouldn't be childish anymore.. hold the hand of the Advin .. don't go stay here.

Taniya was there ..Advin turned his face