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Advin and rosella go home.. They both agree now.. Another side.. Ken was mentally disturb... Yezi coming late home. Ken go to office.. But she is still busy with the work.

Molisa and Yezi was talking about Louis.

Molisa :Yezi he is still ignoring me. He said that he has no feelings for me.. Because of my misunderstanding with Advin.. Why this? He said he love me. But when this happen with me. Yezi why my love is now one sided. Can't he told me that he likes me. When i find that he like me. The advin started chasing me. Because of Advin.. He stopped loving me.. I'm very heartbroken this time. I love him so much. Can't he see me loving him.

Yezi : it's okey I heard from Ken that he is getting married a girl from his family. Just go with him. I guess first love is not easily forgotten. Go to him. This is happening because you approached him confess your feelings. He will understand you. You have no fault.

Ken was thinking she must be with many mans yeah... Because she is beautiful all want her. Can't she thinks of me for little.

Yezi :I am leaving now.. It's late now Ken must be waiting for me.

She come home. Ken already fall a sleep.

Yezi looked at him. She also Go for sleep.

Ken was not sleep yet.. He was sad.. He didn't tell her.. That what's he thinking about her.. Ken can't sleep for a minute. He was depressed about his meetings with clients and also he has no one to share his thinking.he find himself alone... I have a roommate but I can't share with her. Maybe she will not understand me what I am thinking right now....I am so much in pain since childhood. Childhood trauma doesn't recover by it.. You have to share your all pain with the person you have who understands you reither then say okey... Nobody give me advice but her.. Life is very disturbing too. She will bored from my personality... I guess she will I am boring person... I'm a loser.. I don't know how to approach... How to tell anyone that I am feeling very alone. I can't control my nerve system... Being alone is okey when you have a person who has same interest and same vibes like you. She Is happy person she don't know from which states I goes out.. But I'm still stuck there..

Yezi noticed him... He opened his eyes and thinking something.

Yezi : what are you thinking Ken this time. Sleep.

Ken :should I tell her i am not feeling good.. Yeahh I just awake going for sleep.

Yezi noticed him... Turn your face here.. Looked at me.

Ken please sleep.. It's okey i will be okey soon.

Yezi :you are weeping Ken.. Are you alright Ken... Share with me what is bothering you.

Ken :nothing I'm going to sleep.

Yezi : what's this attitude. Be in yourself. I don't care.

Ken:huh i was right she don't care about me. Thankful i didn't share with her... She really don't care about me. why it's hurting me I'm so shy to say it. just endore inside more