CHAPTER 6: No, He's the One You Send-


In a location that would be hard to ascertain by most people in the world, and even for most intelligence-gathering agencies, a meeting of great importance was about to be held. The meeting of the elite maids of the Continental Hotel.

The discussion and deliberation of assigning a maid to a male client was always a topic of utmost importance to the Continental Hotel.

As time passed, the frequency of assignments for the protection of male clients waned, but it didn't diminish their passion. If anything, it only emboldened the maids to double their efforts as they awaited to be called upon once more.

With their efforts more concentrated than ever before, failure was absolutely not allowed in the selection process of a maid for any mail client that wished to avail of their services.

The quality of their performance in performing duties expected of a servant. The quality of their outward appearance.

The quality of their personality and disposition. The quality of their combat effectiveness. And just in case, the quality of their sexual services.

All these factors are scrutinized among every candidate to select the perfect maid for each male client.


In the hidden location where the meeting was being held, there were around thirty elite maids that were present for the discussion of the maid to be assigned.

But though there were plenty of them to serve as candidates, a majority knew that they weren't in the running.

Only the best could be suitable to serve a precious young master, and even among the elites of the Continental Hotel, there was a gap between them and the apex predators that reigned supreme in their food chain.

"Who do you think will be chosen this time?"

"It will obviously be among those monsters of the Romanov family"

Among the whispers and murmurs, most of the elite maids all held the same belief on who would be chosen. The maids who have descended from the line of Romanov.

Though the Continental Hotel was an organization of countless ethnicities and backgrounds, it was undeniable that the order of warrior maids was undoubtedly led throughout the years by descendants of the Romanov line, a lineage of fallen nobles who have taken the role of humble servants in service to a greater cause.

At present, there were three descendants of Romanov who were in the running, and two of them were currently present at the meeting location.

The eldest, Elena Romanov. A white-haired beauty with long hair fashioned into a braid that reached down to her waist.

With a pair of round glasses that hid her gentle and drowsy-like eyes, she was feared and respected in the organization for her brutality in contrast to her gentle appearance.

The second eldest, Svetlana Romanoc. Another white-haired beauty with shorter hair kept orderly with a ponytail that reached around her middle back.

With sharp fang-like teeth and piercing violent eyes, she was constantly assigned to perilous assignments due to her boundless courage and guts.

The two sisters sat together at a round table but growing impatient, Svetlana began to shout out in annoyance at the last remaining candidate who had yet to arrive.

"Goddamnit! Where the hell is that Anastasia?!"

With her loud roar, the other maids stepped back instinctually to not incur or stoke Svetlana's rage, but Elena simply gazed upon her sister with a look of kindness rather than fear.

"Now, now, don't get worked up Svetlana. Our youngest probably has a perfectly reasonable explanation for her late arrival"

With a gentle voice, Elena tried to persuade her sibling to recede her anger. But rather than following along with her image, the brazen maid simply clicked her tongue in annoyance upon seeing her older sibling's facade.

"Cut the acting, bitch. No one is buying your kind older sister schtick. It won't buy you any points in the selection"

Hearing the violent retort of Svetlana, the once kind smile on Elena's face began to recede before eventually being completely replaced with a sadistic grin.

"So what? Do you think your garish personality will be favorable in the selection? Stick to what you're good at, you wild mutt. Leave the new young master in my capable hands"

"Hah? I'd rather die than leave a defenseless man in your sadistic hands. They'll probably smell your perversion and bloodlust a mile away, you bloodhound"

Under the immense pressure the two sisters emitted as they argued, the other elite maids struggled to keep their consciousness until it was eventually reined in by the person who arrived.

"Quiet down you two. It's disappointing to see my two daughters call themselves proper maids with such behavior"

With the arrival of a deep and composed woman's voice in the meeting venue, the two bickering siblings immediately composed themselves once more before greeting their arrival, along with all the other elite-maids in attendance.

ใ€ŽWe humbly greet the head maidใ€

Stepping into the venue with an air of unmatched elegance and refinement, the head maid of the Continental Hotel made herself known. The current number one maid of the organization, and current head of the Romanov family. Catherine Romanov.

With her long white hair that reached to her waist flowing freely as she held the skills for them to not hinder her tasks, and with a stern complexion that matched her winter-like beauty, Catherine was like a turbulent snowstorm that brought all the other maids to heel.

"Let us begin the selection meeting. I have brought the last of my children along with me, so there will be no need for concern regarding an absence"

Following the words of Catherine, a young figure appeared from behind her before making her way to her seat at the table.

The youngest of Catherine's three children, and a powerhouse within the organization that solidified her position despite the difference in age between herself and her siblings. Anastasia Romanov.


She was quiet and offered no greetings or apologies for her late arrival. Something that everyone at the venue expected, but a behavior that irked the young maid's two older siblings.

"With everyone in attendance, allow me to begin the meeting with the introduction of the young master to be discussed"

With a snap of Catherine's fingers, a large holographic screen began to shine with immense clarity before displaying the pictures that had been attached to the email they had received

Immediately, everyone was taken in by the young man's appearance. With a head of blonde that looked like he was crowned with gold, and with eyes of green that appeared as if he were blessed by the faeries of the forest, he was the very definition of a fairytale brought to life.

Countless whispers erupted among the maids who witnessed his appearance. Exclamations of their desire to serve such a dazzling young man. Questions about the finer details of such a person. Even the occasional lewd comment here and there.

But such things weren't just limited to the peanut gallery. Around the table, the three sisters began to have their own reactions to the appearance of the young master in their eyes.

Elena expressed a soft chuckle with a kind smile. Svetlana grinned excitedly as her arms crossed. Anastasia remained quiet as per usual, but her fists tensed as she locked her gaze on the image before her.

"The young master we will be receiving is Leon Greenfield, the son of current Chief Prosecutor Ada Greenfield. Current age, fifteen years old. Current height, five foot seven inches"

As Catherine began to detail the profile of Leon to the crowd of maids, their excitement only grew more and more.

It was rare enough to find a male who would avail their services but for such a beautiful man of such great features, he was a young master beyond compare to anyone else.

But among the many things Catherine listed that roused the maids' interests, there was one tidbit of information that had set their souls alight.

"As an important note. Madame Ada has listed a particular concern that all prospective maids should be made aware of regarding Yound Master Leonโ€ฆthat would be the fact that he has been sheltered from the outside world since the age of four and is currently not fluent in the ways of the world"

In an instant, the quiet murmuring of the maids had turned into all-out shouting from shock and vigor. Even the usually composed maids of the Romanov line had become bewildered at such a revelation.

"Eh? Eh?! A handsome man like him being sheltered? Is this real? Am I currently experiencing the effects of a hallucinogen?!"

"No way! No way! His looks were already enough to stir our hearts, but he's an innocent and naive young master as well! This big sister's heart can't take this!"

"Oh no, mine sisters, please render me unconscious. Unsavory thoughts of Young Master Leon have begun to creep into my mind! Teaching such a beautiful young master on the way of adult affairs-"

"Get a grip on yourself, girl! I'll smack you with my pistol until those wicked desires of yours are quelled!"

As the peanut gallery lost themselves in their delusions, the three maids of Romanov instead began to make their move. Knowing it was now a race to convince their mother, and the other observing maids that they were the best fit to serve Leon.

But before Elena and Svetlana could utter the voice to make their case, they had been beaten to the punch by Anastasia.

"Mother Catherine. I believe that Dearest sister Elena and Svetlana are unfit to serve Young Master Leon"

With the voice of the youngest sibling making itself known first, instant hostility began to emanate from her siblings, but Catherine permitted Anastasia to explain her position.

"The first point would be age. As of this year, sister Elena will turn twenty-seven, and sister Catherine will turn twenty. With my being fifteen, similar to Young Master Leon, I am the best candidate to cause the least intimidation with my appearance by his side"

"The second would be disposition. Sister Elena is simply too caught up in the thrill of inflicting pain to effectively prioritize the safety of any young master assigned to her case, and sister Svetlana is too risk-taking to confidently be assured that no harm will befall the client. Therefore I am the best candidate in terms of carrying out the task of faithfully protecting him"

"The third and final reason would beโ€ฆthat I am simply better. In all fields that a maid may concern herself in, I am the best choice in comparison to my unworthy older siblings"

With a barrage of cold words that lowered her siblings' value while raising her own, Anastasia confidently presented herself as the best choice to her mother.

But her words wouldn't go without protest as Elena and Svetlana began to counter each point whilst insulting Anastasia.

The siblings continued to argue to the point that they nearly drew out their weapons while emitting bloodlust, but it was eventually stopped under the firm authority of Catherine.

As the venue grew silent under the chastisement of the head maid, the mature and grown woman deliberated for a few moments before making her choice.

"For the case of Young Master Leon, Maid Anastasia Romanov will be sent to serve as his shield"

Upon the announcement, a chorus of claps from the observing elite maids erupted in congratulation of the young maid being chosen to serve their organization's highest duty.

Realizing that she had been chosen, a small bit of emotion could be seen from Anastasia who was trying her best to maintain an air of professionalism.

Approaching her youngest daughter's side, Catherine began to give some parting words before she was sent off to perform her maidly duties.

"Anastasia, you are to immediately set off to the Greenfield residence. Understand that though you have been chosen, should Madame Ada or Young Master Leon find fault in you, another maid will be sent to serve as your replacement"

"I understand, head maid"

Addressing her mother as head maid rather than as her family. Anastasia gave off a determined look before exiting the venue to ready her essentials before making the trip to her young master's residence.

Watching her go, the two sisters who were once eager to brawl with their youngest, began to slouch on their chairs as they bitterly accepted their loss.

"Is it really so bad to be twenty-seven? Young Master Leon might be into older sisters, you know? Perhaps he would much rather fancy someone like me than that pipsqueak"

Elena began to be self-conscious of her age. Hiding her worries by chastising Anastasia's youth and petite frame that was commonly seen as a desired trait among women,

"What's wrong with being gutsy?! It's a woman's job to protect men who can't defend themselves!...but maybe I should hold back a bit in the future to avoid scaring themโ€ฆ"

Svetlana began to complain with vigor before tailing off quietly. The gentle side of her brash personality made itself known as she imagined a scenario where Leon might be scared of her loud voice.

Watching her two daughters reflect on Anastasia's observations of them both, the grown woman was glad to see that despite their bickering violent tendencies towards one another, they still held a familial bond that respected the others' achievements and words.

"On your feet the both of you. Just because you have no young masters to serve personally, doesn't mean you can't help them. We received some new assignments of some groups harboring some smuggled contraband. Making the world safer for young masters in the shadows is one of way serving them"

Hearing their mother's words, the two siblings groaned before leaving to head off toward the assignment.

As the venue began to empty and Catherine was the last one left standing in the hall, the grown woman took one last glance at the portrait of Leon before smiling and wishing for her daughter's happiness.

"You always did wish to serve a prince-like young master and become his maiden knight. I hope things work out for you, Anastasia"

With a gentle whisper becoming the last vestige of noise to enter the room, the data on Leon began to immediately be erased from all servers in the organization, and soon, Catherine would disappear from the venue without a sound.

Such were the capabilities and lengths these maids would go to serve the young masters who may need their help. Such were the wolves of this deadly den of protectors.