CHAPTER 18: Pre-Debut Preparations


"Yes! We believe that Mister Leon would be a perfect match to model our company's upcoming summer line of apparel and products!"

Reading through a bunch of formal proposal documents and legal documents, the businesswomen of Cromwell did their best to pitch their idea to the most intimidating figure in law currently, the Chief Prosecutor Ada Greenfield.

The experienced eyes of Ada ran through each line of the document. Dissecting and analyzing each way the grammar used could be interpreted to be enforced by their law code and how it would play out if challenged in their judicial system.

Though her area of expertise wasn't in commercial or corporate law, she was still knowledgeable enough to put many lawyers in the field to shame. 

Such was the ability of the woman who ran the office of prosecutors with more efficiency than any of her recorded predecessors.

Before long, Ada confirmed that the details of the contract weren't harmful in any way to her son. And perusing the proposal documents, she understood that Leon was the perfect fit for their concept of 'Summertime Youth'.

Alas, it doesn't mean she was happy about it. It would mean her child would be exposed to many more eyes, and since his photographs would be released online and in physically printed magazines, she just knew there would be many women who would relieve themselves to his likeness.



Hearing Ada click her tongue, the trusted businesswoman of Cromwell shuddered as no amount of training and on-field experience could prepare someone to face someone as scary as the Chief Prosecutor.

Raising her green eyes to the group of shivering women, Ada opened her mouth as she began to start the process of negotiating. 

Most people would be out of their minds to try and negotiate the details of the contract that was offered to Leon. The benefits and insurance were all top-of-the-line to ensure the greatest likelihood of success.

But such standards weren't enough for Ada. She was going to be sending her only child, her beloved son, to be exposed and viewed by countless women who would no doubt desire to covet him for themselves.

Nothing short of absolute perfection was the bare minimum for her. In the negotiations to come, the grown woman would milk this mega-corporation for all they had. If they couldn't cough up an amount to satisfy her, then they weren't good enough for her son-

"Mom. I want to work with them, so have some mercy, will you?"

Realizing what his Mom was about to do to the poor group of women in front of her, Leon stepped in to save them from utter despair. For a moment, he even felt his Mom would try to bankrupt the Cromwell Group. If that was even possible.


"Mister Leon!"

Where Ada's eyes grew soft with reluctance, the group of businesswomen had their eyes filled with tears as they began to view the young boy in front of them as their savior angel. A heavenly being sent to save them from losing their jobs.

"I don't mind you negotiating better terms for me, but at the end of the day, I want to work with them. Don't ruin this…please…for me?"


Against her son's pleas and puppy dog eyes, Ada couldn't help but fall and accept his request. But it didn't mean she wouldn't give the Cromwell Group hell.

"Don't worry, Leon. Your Mom is very experienced at stopping before things go across the line"

"O-Okay. I trust you, Mom"

Not wanting to get into details about what Ada exactly meant by such ominous words, the grown woman began to drag the group of businesswomen alongside her to hash out the details of the contract in her office.

"I'll be going out. I'll find somebody to serve as Leon's legal representative. I can't exactly serve as his due to my position…those grandmas in the senate won't let me quit. Tch"

As much as Ada wanted to serve as her son's legal representative, as the Chief Prosecutor elected by the Senate, and as a leading figure in one of the government's essential responsibilities, she could not resign whenever she wanted.

Not that her resignation would ever push through under any other circumstances, as the government knows the prosecutor's office would simply collapse if Ada left.

"Cromwell bootlickers. Call your superiors and tell them to meet at my office. Make sure their schedules are cleared for tonight because I'm sure you know that I don't give up easily"


Seeing the group of businesswomen walk slowly alongside his mother, Leon couldn't help but feel bad for them. Bidding them farewell with a gentle wave.

As they all rode off into the distance to discuss the finer details of the contract in a more secluded setting, Leon turned his head to the silent Anastasia who stood by his side.

"Please don't be upset, Ana"

"I'm not upset, Young Master"

"Really? Because with the way you acted earlier, I think you are"

"How could I possibly be upset? I'm just watching my beloved Young Master be ignorant of how evil women in this world are. Not upset at all"


Seeing Anastasia begin to pout with some tears in her eyes, Leon sighed as he had to resolve the troubles of another member of his family after his mother.

"Look. What's so wrong about being a model? Other men do it as well. I saw it online"

"But those men aren't like you, Young Master. You're too naive and gullible. If you were more aware, I would have no problems"

"Then, if I could prove to you that I'm not naive and gullible, then you would be fine with it?"


Hearing Anastasia accept his challenge, Leon grinned. He had been getting tired of being babied around by his mother and maid just because they perceived his kindness to be born from a lack of awareness.

While he did accept that some kind of people are like that because they like awareness, it may also stem from a complete understanding of the futility of hatred and pain. The same way he wished to be kind as he stood at the top of the criminal underworld.

"Then, brace yourself, Ana"


In an instant, Leon dragged Anastasia inside the house. Grasping her by the hand, he slowly recalled his habits from his past life to convey to the young maid that she wasn't the innocent boy she believed him to be.


Throwing the young maid against the wall before slamming his arm next to her head, Leon proceeded to tower his body over hers.

At the sudden impact and proximity of their current arrangement, Anastasia's face was intermixed with shock and fluster as she widened her blue eyes at the distance between her face and Leon's.

"Young Master-"

"You know, Ana…"

As the young maid tried to speak to Leon, the young boy simply lowered his head beside her ear. His breath and voice stimulated her senses and lingered on in her heart and mind. 

"I sensed you always thought of me as innocent and defenseless. So, for the sake of us being family, I'll shatter those preconceptions you have of me…"


Anastasia raised one of her hands in response to the sudden influx of stimuli, but that was a poor choice, as Leon saw it as another opportunity to drive his point further.

With one of his arms pinned against the wall beside her head, he used his other free hand to grab it tightly. Asserting his control in the situation.

"You told me when we first met that you were sure that you wanted to serve me because I reminded you of those princes from those fairy tales you read. Right, Ana?"


"But I'm sorry to say, but I'm far from that. If I were to be completely honest with you. I'm more of a villain who terrorizes the prince who needs to be saved"


Gazing straight into the eyes of the trembling young maid, Leon grinned maliciously as his mind was thrown back to the prime of his villainy in his past life.

Where he terrorized countless people not only because they might've slighted him, but also just for the fun of seeing them squirm in fear. His eyes grew cold as a singular glint of evil light reflected off the green of his irises.

Seeing Anastasia's demeanor change rapidly, Leon believed that such a display was enough to prove his point. But as he prepared to stop, the young maid in his grasp began to grow more and more red as her breathing grew heavy.



Seeing that something was wrong, Leon re-examined Anastasia to check if he had inadvertently done something. But to his horror, he realized that he had.

Below, he could be seen to be pushing his knee up against a rather sensitive spot of the young maid. Something he usually did when he cornered women whom he fancied.

Feeling a soft, hot, and moist sensation be conveyed to his knee through the fabric, Leon quickly retracted his leg whilst supporting the heaving Anastasia.

"Ana, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"Young Master~"

As Leon tried to separate himself, Anastasia closed the distance as she began to snuggle up to him. Her eyes were hazy as if she were high from the emotions she felt from his gesture earlier.

"I love you, Young Master~"

Her penchant for contact grew more and more until she eventually fell asleep. A sudden tiredness overtook her mind.

Seeing the young maid's current state, Leon immediately recognized it as the afterglow of a certain intense release.


Growing regretful he had subjected a young girl to such a thing, Leon admonished himself in his mind as he did his best to carry Anastasia to the couch.

Even though he was the same age as Anastasia, he felt a level of responsibility over her as someone who held memories of an entire lifetime.

She was too young and inexperienced in relationships to enter the world of adult affairs. Too many times had he seen men and women rush too much into their first relationships.

Men would be sucked dry of all their worth for their first partner, and women would have their bodies abused and exploited by people they believed to be trustworthy.

As much as possible, Leon wanted Anastasia to grow mindful of such things, but in a world of few men, such a task would be hard.

So it was even more important for him that he did not abuse that trust she placed in him. It was the responsibility of those who knew better to guide those who had yet to learn.

"It's the same situation with Amane. These two girls are more naive to the world than me"

Placing Anastasia down on the couch, Leon silently watched over her as she slept. The young girl slept soundly before drawing a smile on her face. Whispering words in her state of unconsciousness.

"I love you, Leon…"

"𝘚𝘪𝘨𝘩…I thought maids were supposed to protect their masters and not the other way around. If you keep acting like this, it'll be me who grows overprotective and paranoid of you"



"Young Miss, tell us more of the boy you fell in love with!"

Inside the estate of the Azuma family, Amane expressed a wry smile as she was hounded by the servants of her family regarding the boy she had recently expressed an interest in.

With the growing popularity of Leon's post on social media, it was inevitable that the constituents of the Azuma Security Group would eventually recognize the young heiress of their organization standing so close and intimately with him.

Armed with the knowledge of the handsome young boy who invigorated the run-away heiress to return to her family, all of them were simply dying to know more details about the entire situation.

Praises of Leon's looks were floating around as one would expect, but more so than that was the dream of all these women that their young mistress might be able to pursue something more intimate with him.

"Ah! How joyful would it be to see the young miss be wed! This humble servant would be able to pass on without any regrets!"

"If the young miss were to be wed to Sir Leon, wouldn't we be able to gain the rare privilege to serve a handsome young boy?!"

"Ha! Then we can stick it up to those snobby maids of the Continental! I'm so sick and tired of them gloating how many men avail their services compared to us!"

"Wait…isn't this other girl next to the young miss…one of the daughters of the Romanovs?"

Upon this realization, the group of intimidating women collectively turned their heads once more to Amane. 

Facing all their glares, the young girl couldn't do anything else but admit the truth. Leon's personal maid was a daughter of the Romanov line.

Realizing that their young miss was in a battle with the Romanovs over the affection of a handsome specimen like Leon, the women's already invigorated spirits were set alight like wildfire.

" " " THIS IS WAR!!! " " "

Though Amane was gone from the family for quite some time, their love for their young miss was still as strong as before.

They were fiercely loyal to her due to her being the daughter of their beloved and respected leader, but they also grew attached to her as she grew up over the years.

They cared and raised her as if she were their own, and even on top of that, Amane's passed father asked for them all to look after his daughter.

Needless to say, the entirety of the Azuma Security Group was willing to dive into the fire for her sake, especially when it came to matters of love.


The group of intimidating women tidied their suits as they began to grab, inspect, and ready their weapons of choice. 

But just as they were about to set off as Amane panicked and tried to stop them, a singular voice silenced them all in an instant.


Azuma Amano, current matriarch of the Azuma family, and current head of the Azuma Security Group.

With her flowing kimono and long raven black hair, she entered the room gracefully whilst eyeing down the crowd of rowdy women with her deep red eyes.

"There's no need to fuss over Amane's first love like that. In a contest of women vying for the love of men, the superior woman always wins, right?"

"Only when they prove their worth as an individual, can they stand the chance to get the rare privilege of gaining a man's affection"

"Once others start meddling, it's admitting that they can't prove their worth by themselves, like what you're all trying do to right now"

"So, are you saying the daughter of Azuma can't compare with those of Romanov?"

Under Amano's glare, the servants of the Azuma Security Group could only comply with her wishes and let go of their vigor and determination to wage war with the Continental Hotel.

But their efforts weren't completely useless as Amano began to speak her thoughts regarding the situation of her daughter, having overheard it all as she made her way into the large gathering room.

"I'll admit, it will be quite the difficult challenge for Amane to win over that boy Leon. The Romanovs must've sent a capable daughter to protect someone like him…but just because those maids got to him first, doesn't mean they have completely shut off Amane"

Amane and the rest of the servants eyed Amano in curiosity at what she was trying to imply. Opening her mouth after taking a breath, the matriarch of the family explained her reasoning with ease.

"Those maids of the Continental excel in discrete protection. Most men tend to avoid standing under the spotlight, meaning they have fewer threats to keep track of and worry about"

"But now that this Leon is famous online, countless eyes are watching out for him. Now, tell me, doesn't that sound familiar to the area of security our family excels in?"

Seeing a smug smile paint itself across Amano's face, Amane and the servants widened their eyes in realization.

Such was the insight of a woman who led the Azuma family to prosperity and stood as equals against the competent and feared Romanovs/

'So I still have a chance to be with Leon…but this also shows just how lacking I am…'

Though Amane was happy that she wasn't completely cut off from her friend after he had suddenly disappeared, the young girl also realized how much progress she had to catch up on to be a competent heiress to the family she so loved.


Seeing her daughter express a mixture of joy and frustration, Amano simply smiled in silence. She was not so passionate regarding Leon because she had already been blessed with a man of her own.

She decided she would only stand on the sidelines as she watched her daughter pursue a happiness of her own. Knowing that it was the same type of pursuit of love that made her into the woman she is today.

'Rest easy Goro. Our daughter is now doing fine'

As the atmosphere of the Azuma estate was alight in jubilation and contemplation, in front of the large gates that served as its entrance, Anastasia could be seen narrowing her eyes at the sight of it.

Her pride as a maid of the Continental and as a daughter of Romanov conflicted with her interests, but after thinking deeply about it, she knew there was no other choice.

"Young Master Leon is heading down a path that will attract the yearning and desire of countless women. So I'll have to pull out all the stops to protect him properly…especially after that last stunt he pulled on me"

Remembering the hidden eroticism that lay beneath the young boy whom she believed to be a kind and innocent prince, Anastasia doubled down on her notions that Leon would turn any woman around him into feral animals.

With that in mind, the young maid pressed on the intercom of the Azuma estate, an action that would lead the two powerhouses to employ all their capabilities to protect a single man as he walked down a path that would forever change this world.