CHAPTER 22: Backstage Clean-Up

Following the incident caused by the sudden arrival of Leon in the public consciousness, his friends and family were quick to crack down at any possible threat that may appear after they regained their senses from his sudden showing of ability.

First to note would be the Azuma and Romanov's response to the ordeal. Since their client had been a high priority before his debut, they simply announced to the public the support and resources they had invested in Leon's protection.

Appearing in public after being rarely seen, the two heads of the renowned security groups announced themselves at two separate venues.

The sheer presence and weight of the Azuma's head, Azuma Amano, was akin to a burning inferno that never ceased to wither all that stood in its path.

The grace and elegance of the Romanov's head, Catherine Romanov, was likened to an eternal blizzard that halted everything in place as she passed by.

In the wake of these two women's arrivals, the accompanying media made sure not to go out of line and become rowdy in pursuing the story their companies assigned them. 

Though the groups present weren't the shady tabloid groups that had badgered Leon previously, it still didn't lessen the presence that any unlawful behavior would surely be punished severely.

Beyond all the detailed explanations of their dedication to protecting Leon Greenfield, the two security group heads finished their statements like this.

『To all who would dare to look upon those we have sworn to serve…』

『To all who would dare to challenge our ability to protect those we must…』

『『 We will engrave upon you all the reasons why we continue to exist to this day 』』

For the humiliation that there existed belligerents who had grown confident enough to challenge their authority, the two heads would simply remind them why exactly their names should be feared. And they would find the perfect opportunity through a single person.



Click. Clack. Click. Clack. Such were the sounds that echoed in the deathly silent hallway. But it wasn't silent due to a lack of life within its halls. On the contrary, there were many people present in the hallway.

It was deathly silent for another reason, to not draw the ire of the woman who currently briskly walked down its marble floor. 

With eyes devoid of light and an expression as cold as the unkind vacuum of nothingness, Ada Greenfield walked down the halls of the congressional building as if she owned it. 

Ada was a well-respected government member for her efficiency and competence in her responsibility, but what allowed her to remain in power for so long was not her servitude to the people nor her abilities as a prosecutor and leader.

No, if she set her eyes on accomplishing something, it wasn't a matter of if it would be possible, but when it would come to fruition. When Ada Greenfield steels her determination, her pursuit forward becomes a bloody warpath. 

With a loud creak, the doors of the congressional meeting hall were laid open before Ada's unfeeling eyes. With a few more steps of her black heels, the groomed woman rested her sight on the circular gathering of the nation's congresswomen.

Following the recovery of the world after the plaque that killed a majority of men, all the nations of the world cast aside their differences. They morphed into a single government for the continued existence of the human race. 

Women of varying ages and ethnicities were present to hear the proposal Ada awaited congressional approval for. One, she quickly attained the support of the current acting prime minister. 

It was a proposal for the swift and violent crackdown on the unresolved issue of gray-area tabloid journalists and a stricter reformation of the registered dangerous women policies. 

Though many of the parties of congresswomen held varying opinions and positions regarding the topic, they were all united in their desire to not stand in the way of Ada Greenfield and make an enemy out of her. 

"Good afternoon, good women of the United Congress. I, Ada Greenfield, am here today to discuss why the proposal I have raised should be passed with your support."

As the blonde woman spoke with clarity and inflection, it was clear to anyone that her words lacked meaningful sentiment.

For years, Ada had not involved herself in the power struggles of government and politics. Though she could be a formidable fighter, she didn't participate for a simple reason. Her son.

To Ada, her son was everything. It led her to cease her ambitions of rising the government ladder when she gave birth to him. 

It led to her becoming stable as Chief Prosecutor to raise him as much as possible. And now, it spurred her to use the United Government simply as a means to her end.


As Ada continued to speak on the points of her proposal, one congresswoman had begun to harbor the jaw-dropping notion of pushing back against Ada.

On top of being uncomfortable with such an influential figure being left unchallenged within the government, she had some personal interest in staying within the current order regarding the laws proposed to be amended because she was a beneficiary of the current arrangement. 

But just as the congresswoman was about to raise her voice…for a brief moment, Ada's eyes stared directly into her own…it was brief, and it was short enough not to draw attention from the crowd, but it was clear that Ada knew exactly what she was about to do.


Her breath quickened to shallow intakes as she struggled to recover from the passing fear that had passed her, but just as she regained her senses, the woman next to her, a veteran member of Congress, began to whisper in her ear.

"Stop whatever you're thinking, young one. Learn this. More so than the daughters of Romanov and Azuma, fear any woman that bears the name Greenfield."

"What do you-"

"Their line always produced insanely competent and obsessive monsters. If you can't ingratiate yourself with Ada, do your best to leave a good impression on her son at least."

As the old congresswoman spoke such, her body shivered upon imagining Ada being paired with a successor identical to her. 

It was almost inevitable that any daughter that had a father like Leon would grow obsessed with him, so pairing a father-obsessed daughter and a son-obsessed mother? The old congresswoman was simply thankful she wouldn't live to see the day due to her age.

"If you're successful with that, then you might have a chance at surviving if he ever produces a daughter to succeed that enigma of a woman."


"Hm, good. It seems you're taking my words to heart already. Keep that up, and you will have a long career ahead."

With silence returning to the both of them once more, the once challenging congresswoman had now been indoctrinated into the current state of government. Something that elicited looks of pity and understanding among the other surrounding people.

"Thus ends my presentation. Forgoing the formalities of the holding of a congressional vote due to the relevance of the proposal to the Male Protection Laws…all in favor?"

With a casual tone, Ada spoke to Congress to hear their answer, and she was met with unanimous support. Something she hardly batted an eye towards. It was something she expected, after all.

Click. Clack. Click. Clack. Her heels echoed throughout the walls of the silent congressional building once more, and only when the sound faded into nothingness were the people able to breathe a sigh of relief.

It was only natural because they faced the descendant of a line of geniuses that had long since stepped down from the limelight. Choosing a long life of peace and obscurity after an era dominated by their presence.

That peace had been threatened to be broken by Ada years ago, but the birth of Leon had halted the total collapse of the current world order. In a way, the world had Leon to thank for stopping the continuous rise of an ambitious child of the accursed line of geniuses.


As Ada exited the Congressional building, she passed by a lonely portrait intentionally placed inconspicuously by the person it depicted, a gentle green-eyed woman holding a blonde child in her arms. 

Many years had passed since the creation of this portrait, and it had long since been forgotten in the annals of history. 

Still, humanity is always doomed to repeat itself, as within the aged portrait lay a title, a familiar name, and an ominous quote. 

『Founder and First President of the United Nation:』

『Evergreen Redfield』

『"No Queen Rules Forever"』



"Geh, why do I always get the exploding kitten?..."

"Heh, I believe it should be expected from a dog of Azuma that cannot think beyond training their muscles."

"Hah?! What the hell did you say, mutt?!"

Outside in the backyard of the Greenfield estate, Ana, Amane, and Leon could be seen playing a commonly played card game together.

With the previous incident still fresh in memory, it was decided that Leon would be placed again under house arrest for his safety until a "certain matter" was finished.

It was something that the young boy accepted with little pushback, but to keep him company, Ana, and Amane would be there as his guards…along with a hidden company of personnel watching over the estate like hawks.

"Now, now, stop fighting Ana, Amane."

"Hmph, you got lucky, Anastasia."

"The Young Master was saving you from me, Amane."

"Why, you-"

"Bring it-"

Just as the two young girls were about to fight once again like the dogs and cats they were, Leon simply sighed as he decided to employ a tactic to draw their attention away so that they could enjoy the game they were playing.

"I remember, the photographer from the Cromwell Group photoshoot gave me some commemorative polaroids of some of my best shots…"

"?!" "?!"

"It will be a while until the magazine with my photos comes out, so they're probably the first physical copies of my debut work. I even signed them just for fun…"

"??!!" "??!!"

"But I don't know what to do with them…Oh! I know! How about I make them a prize? Let's play ten games, Ana, Amane. Whoever wins the most out of you two, I'll give them my Polaroids!"

"Ahem, Ana, I'm sorry for my outburst."

"Forgive me, Amane, my behavior was unbecoming."

"Also, if I get the most points, I get to take a picture of you being best friends. A good reward should come with an equally horrifying punishment. Are you two still in?"

"...A woman of Azuma is raised to never back down in front of a challenge!"

"...A daughter of Romanov has always been instilled with the tenacity never to back down!"

Seeing the two of them fall for his obvious bait and act tough made Leon snicker as he truly understood what made the women of this world tick. 

However, it wasn't as if he planned to exploit this knowledge to its fullest extent for his pleasure, only when he deemed it necessary.

'Typical women'

But just as their game was about to restart, Amane and Ana felt their phones vibrate as Leon began shuffling the deck.

『All filth has been eliminated via "entrapping" or "deep-cleaning." The clog has been flushed out. Good day.』

Checking the message briefly, they smiled contentedly as they closed their phones and focused once more on the present.

Just as Leon had found his new methodology to handle the hurdles he encountered, so did the women around him who loved him dearly.

For the sake of the peaceful and enjoyable daily life they could share with that young boy, they considered a blessing; they would rid all the filth that would ruin their idyllic time together.

In a place far beyond his recognition, before they could even utter a cry of protest, they would do everything for him, who had done so much for them in such little time.

The green of Ada, The blue of Ana. The red of Amane. Three colors, yet filled with the same desire. 



"Ugh, why do I have to take a photo with you like this?"

"I didn't expect the Young Master to be such an expert at deception and tactics"

'Heh, all those years of poker didn't go to waste after all~'

Laughing to himself as he captured a photo of Ana and Amane wryly smiling as they formed a heart with their hands, Leon quickly moved to set the photo as his background. Still, his attention was caught by a notification regarding an upcoming event in his schedule.

"Oh, it's almost time for the entrance exam"