Wyvern's Showdown 2

Despite the speed of the attack and his strength, the claws fail to damage the wyvern's scales, only doing damage by the advent of the black flames coating them. "It is like hitting a wall with a dull knife!" Cain could feel his claws heating up, not because of the flames, but of the friction born of hitting the white wyvern.

Like a cannon shot that missed its target, Cain is projected forward by his momentum, falling dozens of meters behind the ground and hitting the ground like a bomb, making it explode due to the pressure and velocity, forming a small crater.

Rising from the crater as if nothing happened, the black hound could only be amazed at his new, and temporary, strength. "No damage done to him." The wyvern turns back, a wicked perversion of a smile on its "lips". "The sovereignty of your prince is only so strong?"

No damage was done to it, even the flames only managed to burn the outer layer of its scales. "I can only keep it busy." Without giving him a chance, the Wyvern advances, surprisingly fast for a creature the size of a plane.

The street below its claws gives way, as its tail knocks against buildings, heavily damaging their structure, even without the fire blasts, its being is capable of doing untold destruction. "I need to run." Seeing how useless his blows would be against the reptile, he turns back and runs.

He knew there was no way to beat this beast, yet the fact his attack didn't even inconvenience it was disheartening. "Run, run away like the filthy mutt you dogs are!" The monster goats. Cain's throat clenches, as his anger rises. If only he had a way to damage it…

Biting back the frustration, the blackhound runs. The ground under his feet starting to become undone with the massive weight of the beast chasing him, it's becoming faster with a high momentum.

The ground breaks and chatters outwards, making running straight almost impossible. "No problem." He thinks. He leaps on the most stable fragment, before it falls downwards, leaping to another ahead, not letting the damaged terrain hinder his advance.

"The dog knows how to jump!" The wyvern laughs at his expense, seeing him parkour through the rising debris made by its running. In the split of a second, a conveniently shaped rock jumps out of the street, roughly the shape and size of a football. "No matter what you are, eyes are soft tissue!"

Transferring the flames, and his deadly aura into his right foot, Cain jumps and spins in the air, applying a spinning kick on the rock, shooting forward like a cannonball, aiming at the Wyvern's immense eye.

Flames and wither are transferred to the rock, making it a flaming projectile. Hitting straight on the bullseye, the left eye of the Wyvern explodes in a burst of blood fire, halting it in its tracks as a loud screech blooms out of its maw. "The scales are too tough for my claws to bypass, but its eye, the soft tissue… may not be!"

With a screech more fitting of a snake than a species of dragon, the white beast tries to regain its posture. Cain could tell the reptile was struggling with overwhelming raging pain, hitting itself against buildings and the ground, driven mad by the stone lodged into its eye.

Its throat starts to shine incandescently, a warning of what is about to come his way. "Shit, there will be nothing left of me if I get hit!" Judging by the damage it had done to the city, just being close enough to the fireball would be deadly.

The black flame is also waning, it is barely of any use. "It was a small fragment, just a token…" The power boost wasn't to last, but to think it would run out so soon… "If I want to survive, I need to get behind that thing."

Despite the great danger ahead, Cain's heart is oddly at peace, as if it was the moment he always awaited, no despair at the circumstances, just acceptance of what has to happen. "I refuse to fall without a fight."

In a last burst, the black flames explode his legs, eating away part of his pants, as well as skin and flesh to fuel itself. A few burns on the legs are better than being incinerated by this thing. Channeling the same strength as before, he explodes forward, like a flash of black lightning crossing through the destroyed street

As he passes by the dragon, managing to avoid the start of its fire blast, he looks back. Like an inferno of flames, a flood of fire erupts from the dragon's mouth, extending for at the bare minimum a hundred meters of pure fire. Metal, glass, concrete, and stone meltdown, becoming an incandescent sludge mass. Soon the street starts to deform under the relentless fire, becoming magma under its heat.

Even after getting away from that thing, its massive heat still can be felt, even if he is meters away from the wyvern. In a few seconds, the cityscape before the wyvern becomes much like a volcano, full of magma and charred ground.

A wave of sweat washed over him, in just a few seconds, this beast had already managed to erase a city block out of existence. "This… is scary." And that thing has no weak spot besides its eyes and now, he lacks the power of the Wolf Prince.

"YOU WILL PAY, FILTHY MUTT!" The voice of the white wyvern explodes in rage, moving its massive body without care if it touches a melting building or two, just to start chasing him again. The beast advances against him, and this time, Cain has no means to outrun or damage it.

"GERONIMOOOO!" A familiar voice echoes from behind it with the roar of an engine and something heavy going through a damaged road. Out of nowhere, a double-deck bus uses the damaged road as an impromptu ramp to jump at full speed against the wyvern's head.

The head of the wyvern is thrown back, as the bus falls to the ground. Smoke rises from the engine, as someone kicks off the bus door, exiting hastily. Light brown hair, and a dumb and relieved smile on his face.

Tyler. From the other end of the bus, Spencer jumps off. "Let's get out of here! A bus should be more than enough to put this guy to sleep!" Many words jumped into his mind at that moment. How did they get a bus? How did they drive through such a damaged road?


How could they be so reckless with their lives?! How could they come back!? "Thank you, guys, for coming back." Spencer waves at them, telling without words for them to get away from there.

Taking a breath, Tyler throws the backpack at him. "Too heavy for you, huh?" Cain smirks mentally, taking the pack and starting to run alongside Tyler. Who knows when the wyvern may awaken?

"..." The beast grunts. "YOU BASTARDS!" Its roar echoes once again, the creature throwing away the bus as if it were a plastic car. Wildly, its clawed wings hit the ground, sending debris all over the place.

Both he and Tyler are sent to the air by the impact. Cain's heart sunk to his stomach, Tyler has no powers, and they are up in the air, the scent of death becoming stronger. "I won't let you die!" A pulsation takes over his body, much like the one from the black flames but… different.

His flames, his own heart beating like an engine, pumping adrenaline through all of his body, making the world slow down for a few seconds, precious seconds. All of his body gets set ablaze by crimson flames— liking it or not, a Barghest still is a hellhound

Almost like his entire body was made of flames, as if gravity and air were just secondary factors in his life, not immutable laws.

He jumps into the debris, kicking them off to reach his friend, collapsing them under the pressure of his kick. With a speed he lacked before, Cain advances towards Tyler, picking him up in his arms.

Right after picking up his friend, he crashes on the ground again, putting all the weight upon his legs, once again. Looking towards where Spencer should be, a terrifying sight. His backpack was left on the ground.

He was thrown against one of the destroyed power poles. His body hit the exposed cables. Without any way to avoid it, Spencer gets electrocuted. Cain's vision triples, his eardrums pulsating, ready to burst.

It should've been him. They shouldn't have come back for him. He won't forgive this overgrown lizard. His entire being, every single cell of his body, felt as if it set on fire. Claws burst forward from his arms, ripping apart his fingers, to give way for long and sharp bones.

"Tyler… get out of here. At least you have to make it out alive." The flames inside of him are getting out of control, like a blazing inferno. The ground vibrates and shakes, a sign the wyvern started to move.

Turning around, the dragon is moving towards them— he would be there in just a couple of seconds due to its gigantic size. "I. Will. Kill. YOU!" Like a geyser of flames, he burst forward, not as fast as he would like it, but that didn't matter in the slightest.

Withering hellish flames envelop his body, he can't hurt or pierce through its scales, but he would claim both of its eyes. Like a projectile, Cain lands on the beast's remaining eye. The wyvern feels the rotting touch of the barghest's flames, and shakes its head in despair, knowing well what those flames can do.

Cain pushes his left foot under the pupils of the dragon's eyelids, while pushing his right hand under them, sticking his claws under the soft flesh to keep himself in place and stop the dragon from even squirting. With his free claw, he slashes away at the beast's eye, as it struggles to try and get him out of its eyes.

As he claws out the eye, more and more it rots away. He drives further and further deeper into the things' eye, starting to use his other hand to slash, then his feet, and lastly, his mouth, trying to destroy, burn, and rot as much of it as possible.

Feasting on the dragon's flesh, without care or remorse, as blood gushes from its ruined eye, it is screaming out in pain, but he doesn't care. He will carve out a way to its brain, and kill it from the inside out.

In a desperate attempt to get rid of him, the wyvern smashes its head against a building, and then another, trying to find something. Looking back, he sees clearly where it is smashing its head: A pike-like ruin of a building, he is going to impale him out of his eyes. "Tsc."

Without an option, he jumps out of its eyes, bursting out of its eyelids in a spray of blood. Landing on top of the pike-like ruin of a building, the wyvern screeches and roars, in pain, despair, and exasperation, hitting its head against the ground.

There is no feeling, no feeling besides the blooming anger in his heart. This thing had long since exhausted any goodness of his heart, for him, it is no different from the writhing insects one stomps willingly in the road. Another thing to be killed.

Suddenly, the throat of the dragon once again becomes incandescent with its head sewing wildly. "Hell." How will he stop its blast? The chances of it hitting Tyler are high, discounting the destruction in all directions.

From behind him, electricity starts to crackle, loudly, as if a thundercloud was just right behind, and a smell, a very familiar smell makes itself present."I'm flattered by how much I matter to you, I will help take this fucker down."

Looking back, a clear sight of someone who should be dead, without any hope of survival. Lichtenberg figures across his face, burning clothes, his trench coat almost destroyed, a burning mess.

Electricity crackles and runs rampant, like a supercharged electrical generator of a fiction movie.

"I have Susanoo! A mere electrical shock won't kill me!" Spencer exclaimed loudly, flying in the air, with powerful static jumping out of his body in chaotic electric rays. Using its hearing to locate them, the Wyvern locks its incandescent mouth in their direction.

Holding his hands together, Spencer starts to accumulate electricity in the palm of his hands. "Cain! It will shoot fire from its mouth, right? We just have to strike it first!" He talks as if it was the most obvious thing in the world to do.

Cain couldn't lie. For a moment, he truly thought it was a dream, a hallucination. How could a normal person survive an electrical discharge of power cables? Yet, it couldn't be a lie or a hallucination, Spencer had gotten Susanoo. The god of storms. "Yes! Whatever you do, it has to be strong enough to explode the fireball inside its mouth!"

Like a scene ripped out of a cheap shōnen anime or action film, his friend smiles giggly, with a childlike wonder. "Eat this, Serpent! Divine Discharge!" Holding his hands forward, the electricity accumulated in his hands shoots forward like a laser, right inside the wyvern's mouth.

Its throat ignites by the electrical discharge, making the fireball explode on its throat in a fiery mess. The wyvern's head fell to the ground, its body limp. Like the dragon, soon Spencer falls to the ground. "I won't fail now."

With a deep breath, Cain jumps at him, holding him in his arms as they fall towards the ground. Again, Cain falls to the ground, putting all of his weight and momentum on his legs… but this time, it doesn't hurt. "A silver lining for all this shit…"

… "Can you put me on the ground, Cain? I also awakened my powers… being carried like this by another guy is too… well, embarrassing." Without a word, the barghest drops his friend on the ground, "Ouch!" Spencer whimpers.

Even to someone with enhanced physique and strength, this wyvern… this creature is too much. At last, it is over. The Wyvern is dead. "Wait, something is wrong—I can still feel it alive!"

How could this be? Why does this overgrown reptile refuse to die? "Spencer, start to run! This thing is still alive!" His eyes widened in terror. "The fireball exploded inside its throat! How can it still be alive!"

The wyvern rises once again, giving a silent roar, unable to make a proper sound due to its burnt throat. They hadn't time to see it, but something hit the wyvern, like a thin, waterblade. In the blink of an eye, its throat, chest, and belly are torn open, an explosion of water occurring inside out, blasting flesh, bones, and organs out, exposing the soft insides of the beast out in the open.

Blood gushes from the extreme wound in a pool of blood in the direction of the duo, bathing them in the wyvern's blood as the creature finally falls to the ground. "What… who?" Who could do that?

Looking back, they see Tyler, bleeding on his forehead, mixed with water from a nearby hydrant. "Ha, I figured out… I figured it out." Wordlessly, the blonde falls to the ground, collapsing.

Spencer runs towards Tyler. "Aah, I feel like shit." The barghest's flames die out, taking away their strength as they do so. "I'm so tired." Like Tyler, Cain falls to the ground, unconscious.

What should've taken only a few minutes to reach, took entire hours. Just one or two hours away from the sunset. They had finally reached the Blue Evening Park, their initial objective, painted faintly on orange light, the same orange light that engulfed the city a few hours ago.

Yet, it isn't the most strange thing, no. "Who are there?" Asks Tyler, pointing at the pile. Two people there, one with a human-sized sword, and the other a mountain of a man.

A closer look at the pile reveals what they are: A pile of corpses, goblins, green and some even red, hound-like creatures, and other monsters, all slaying. Some were mauled while others were maimed. The scene of a massacre and a stand of the two people atop the pile.

Noticing them, the two men wave their hands, welcoming the trio.