Back on track

On the horizon, the swarm of monsters draws closer and closer… "You guys… it was good to hang out, but I think things are going to look bleak if we stay here just a little more…" He didn't want it to end, K.J really didn't, yet it has to end.

To spend more time there is to await danger to get even closer. "Yeah… Tyler, we got a car. Do you need to catch a ride too?" The playful tone disappeared from Elliot's voice, giving way to a soberness and sorrow.

"You guys need it more than us. We will manage to make our way back to the evacuation point. Hey guys, keep yourselves safe, okay?" Words exit his mouth before the young man can think straight, but it doesn't matter. If the worst comes to pass, his friends will still be there, in this city where danger is coming.

They will need the car more than them. "Okay. Spencer, Kyrie, Cain, and James, you guys shall come back when things go back to normal, okay?!" Exclaimed Tyler, an equally sorrowful smile on his face. He knows it probably won't happen, yet he still wishes for it. He can only hope Tyler can manage to save as many as he can.

A small laugh comes from Spencer. "Same to you— don't get yourself killed in a car crash, we need to hang out again." James raises his hand, a coy smile on his lips. None of them wanted their last hangout to end in a sad tone, but the world won't let it happen. The trio nods and runs from where they came, in the direction of their car.

'Don't you dare to cry.' Kyrie bites his lips with strength, holding back the need to cry for them, and say goodbye, but if he does so… if he hesitates now… would make everyone else hesitate. He can't hesitate, nor cause his friends to. They need to get all out of here alive.

The hold on the sword's handle tightens, they need to get away… surprisingly, he is the first to turn back, and walk away. "Guys, you heard Tyler and Spencer? We can't die." For a split second, his eyes met the eyes of Spencer, a message being traded through their stare.

The contents are the same as the words that left his mouth. They can't die. Cain, follows after him, then James, and lastly Spencer. "Kyrie. Do you have a plan to get out of here?" The metalhead asks. Much like how he reached the Blue Evening Park, his way out is the same.

Pointing at the blade resting on his shoulder, K.J answers with total confidence: "He will fight our way out. It is the only way." A happy giggle comes from Cain, while James just sighs. Walking on the valley of the shadow of death was never easy.

"Is it too late to call them back for a car ride?" Surprisingly, S.M asks in jesting, he can't see his face now, but surely a smile must be there. "So, what did you and James get on the gacha? Got Susanoo, so I have electric powers."

'Wait… our supernatural stuff is based on the gacha?' This answers an uncomfortable number of questions. "Well, got Skoll. Don't know what he exactly does, but I think it has to do with Black Flames, and this sword I got."

Suddenly, the metalhead let out a grasp. "You! You did summon those block flames!? The ones that rose to the sky?" This is something K.J didn't know. He knew about the black flames, but them rising to the skies?

"I think so? I haven't seen them rising to the sun." Looking to the side, Cain seems to want to talk about something but stops himself from starting a topic. While James holds his chin.

"Got Goliath. Guess my power is super strength." Fitting for someone ripping monsters apart barehanded and taking poles from the ground to smack creatures. "K.J and I said ours, so the one left is Cain."

Putting his hands behind his head, Cain answers in a carefree tone. "Mine is barghest. A hellhound. Pretty cool." Well, two dogs, a god, and a giant. This is not a balanced party in the slightest. "Since we are in the mood for talking, look ahead. There is someone waiting for us."

Ahead, the smell of red freaks is there. Viscous and with claws, way more aggressive than the green freaks. Holding his sword in his best "fighting stance", the young man starts to walk faster in the danger's direction. "Can you guys… not walk so fast? I got a rough beating on the way there."

The quartet stops to look in Spencer's direction, a bit of surprise in their faces. They never would even think of Spencer asking for a break willingly. "I see. So I will piggyback you, but you must hold tight." Another surprise, James gets on his knees, to make it easier to start piggybacking Spencer.

While a 6'5 ft tall giant, the image of him carrying another young adult on his back would be funny. "No way in hell. Know what? I'm better. Let's go knock these monsters!" Spencer walks forward, biting back some whines of pain.

"Well, what is funnier? Seeing James piggyback Spencer, or what he is doing right now?" Even in pain, his metalhead friend continues forward, too prideful to accept this kind of help. "We can't let an injured man take the lead. Cain, with me. James, can you watch our backs?"

The redhead giant nods, while Cain cracks his joints, a smile on his lips. "Let's rock!" K.J and his fellow hound advance to keep company with Spencer, while James keeps track of their backs.

Just like they expected, a bunch of red freaks ahead of them, Spencer leading the way with electricity in the palm of his hands. Like an eager rabid dog, Cain rushes on the sidelines, to flank the red goblins. 

In response, K.J goes to the other side, with Spencer in the middle. Holding his sword with both hands, he swings it widely at the red goblins, slashing through the first few to make contact with the sword, but smashing at the other ones, sending them flying.

From the other side, Cain had grown visceral claws, maiming and slicing the goblins like a blender. And right in the middle— "Take that! Keraunos Sphere!" Like a character from anime, or maybe a fighting game, Spencer sends the electricity on the palm of his hand forward, sending a ball of electricity to the red goblins, and aiming at the bigger one. 

The lightning branches out to hit as many goblins as possible, while the main sphere of energy hits the bigger one, sending electricity through its blood, making it convulse and shake. "That is it! Cain, take care of your side, I'm going to take down the bigger one!"

As the electricity dissipates and the monster falls to its knees, the young man rushes, holding the sword parallel to his waist, for a diagonal arc. As the monster gets in his range, K.J swings the sword, hitting its neck with the full might of his arms and the sword, making the head of the monster fall on the ground as blood gushes from the beheading.

Right on the other side, Cain rips goblins to ribbons, taking glee in the slaughter. "Hey, K.J! This kill was mine!" As if someone stole the ball from him in a soccer game, Spencer asks with false outrage. 

"Those freaks take way more to kill. The green ones can have their skin melted and still be alive, the red ones take even more to fall, decapitation being one of the few ways to guarantee they are truly dead.

"Let's breakthrough and exit the park before more monsters come!" Looking behind them, James is running and getting closer, two red goblins in each hand, with their necks snapped. Nodding, they advance forward, while the redhead giant stays behind.

Making their way out would be easier than holding the ground in wait for their friends, this is for sure. They advance, making haste to not let monsters swarm them— it would be a problem to break through a crowd of monsters.

"Spencer, can you keep up? After we exit the park, we will be running a marathon!" If he couldn't, then it would be better if Spencer is carried by James, pride be damned. Spencer grimaces but keeps up with their pace.

"Yeah, I can! But I won't be able to if we enter more fights!" At least a good thing— K.J, and the others too, don't want to enter any more fights than the first one. Wasting energy and time can and will be a death sentence.

Ahead, a new party of monsters, stalking cautiously through the body piles, clearly scared. One green freak sees them, screaming at the top of its lungs. "Humans! Humans have done this—" Before it can continue to scream, K.J throws his sword at it, piercing through its head and going forward, sticking into the ground.

"Humans!" One of the bigger goblins steps forward, like a heat missile, Cain shoots forward in a burst of flames, jumping at the monster's chest and slashing wildly, The bigger goblin is brought to the ground, being cut to shreds without a way to defend itself.

Capitalizing on their momentum, the young man rushes forward to take back his sword, with the goblins fleeing the scene in clear fear. Even if they are monsters, they still fear death, they can fear it more than people when their morale is broken.

As the young man's hands reach the sword, he moves it, to a slashing arc. The blade breaks off the ground, reaching the backs of the runaway goblins, getting a clear hit, and bisecting their spines, forcing their bodies to stop and fall on the ground, convulsing. 

"We are done! Continue onwards!" They advance. In just a couple of minutes, they finally exit the park.