Diverging Points 2

The pulsating hatred grows stronger, and the black flames start to materialize in response to the lightning. From here, he can feel the sword's hatred resonate with his— calling, wanting to partake in what is bound to happen.

"And? How many times did soldiers sacrifice themselves for civilians like us? You didn't see what happened back in the city? How can you be so callous about all of this?" For someone who was there, and saw what happened, he should know better. He should know what happens when monsters get people.

"This is exactly why I'm asking for remuneration! For us to not partake in danger for no reason whatsoever!" He cannot understand this. He will not stand for this. Remuneration? When people's lives are in great danger and even the army is asking them for help? 

Clapping his hands, the Lieutenant Colonel once again draws their attention. "John's nephew, leave your friend alone. Your altruism is commendable but means nothing if you go out of control. These black flames of yours can be very destructive."

Out of the blue, a heaviness hit his shoulders. He was almost unleashing the black flames, in a closed space. "Oh shit." Dropping Spencer, K.J steps back, breathing in and out, trying to calm himself. Soon, without stimuli, the short-lived black flames die out. This one was a close call.

Too close for his taste… "Boy, we can't give any meaningful remuneration for you. The entire world is in chaos right now, monsters popping up everywhere. The only thing I can grant and pay you is a nicer stay here and a more steady supply of food and water for you."

In other words, privilege, while small, is still a privilege. How hard are some of these monsters for the army to be willing to give privileges to five nobodies if they agree to help in the fight against them?

"Well, then it is not worth it." Spencer turns on his heel, walking out. Anthony stands by the door, staring at him. "Are you blocking my way?" The metalhead returns the stare, until the Major steps aside, letting him walk out of the room. "Are you coming, James?"

James stood there, conflicted, anxiety with and despair showing in his eyes. His stoicism broke for a second, leaving a doubtful giant standing there for solid seconds. Before stepping out, James casts a sorrowful gaze at him, following Spencer out of the room… 'I won't blame you, James…' For a moment, K.J thought James would stand with him… 

It will be him and the boy, as it seems… "I will be helping too!" Comes from behind the door, Cain's voice. Less bad, Cain is a type of hellhound, killing monsters must be right in his alley of enjoyment… 

"Things got heated so fast…" The boy whines. Truly, things got bad fast… who could have thought Spencer would be so selfish… yet he is not entirely wrong. Maybe, is he too altruistic or naive in wanting to help them without a clear reward…?

"Don't worry, boy. You have a problem controlling your flames, right? I think you and Konrad can help each other. Despite being the Nemean lion as his power, he controls electricity too." Electricity? How and why? The Nemean lion never had anything like that.

Or how Skoll has flames. "So you two can help each other to see if you can get your powers under control." The boy makes peace signs with his hands, a shy smile on his face. Did he kill monsters to get here…?

"Oh, don't worry. I can kill monsters just right." His voice still has a tone of shyness, not giving too much confidence or trust… K.J trades looks with the Lieutenant Colonel, who just nods. This kid can kill monsters in the same capacity as himself and James?

Only time will tell, it seems. He has the powers of the nemean lion, plus electricity, for some reason. He must be strong enough to deal with the problems, otherwise he won't be here. "So, do you need us for something, or we are free to go, Lieutenant Colonel?"

"No, Anthony, order someone to get them acquainted with the facility, you stay." A soldier enters the room as if they practiced this.

"Please, mister Konrad and Kyrie, follow me, I will show the facility in depth for you three." Nodding, he and the boy exit the office, leaving Major Tom, and the Lieutenant Colonel alone.

Lieutenant Colonel Marcus holds his temple, in exasperation. "If only those kids could see themselves. They looked more like heroes of fairy tales than humans." White sparking eyes and shining red wolf eyes.

Sparks and flames appeared inside the room. Even Konrad wasn't so destructive when he fought. They couldn't even ask for their stars—situations went from 0 to 100 in the blink of an eye.

"Say, Anthony. What do you think of the boy? John's nephew?" That boy is quite a figure, the type to wear his heart on his sleeve and blame himself for others' mistakes. Not a good type for survival in the bigger world.

Normally, this is the standard, but the standard had hanged himself yesterday. "A good and honest type. Contrary to his uncle, he isn't good at the smoke and mirrors game. He is so honest I can read him without even trying."

While his words are rash, they are not criticizing his characteristics, someone good is always welcome, even more with powers. They are not the type to backstab or betray others' trust, not willingly.

"And he is an honest boy, dutiful too. It is a surprise he didn't enter the army or the Marines in consideration of that. Even more due to his uncle's position. Overall, a good addition to our numbers."

'Or the reason he didn't join the Marines or the army is because of his heart.' While he has the guile, only time will tell if he has the mettle to stomach the hardest decisions to come. To kill a monster, which seems inhumane, while full of adrenaline and with tunnel vision is easy.

To kill a man and shoulder through the aftermath is a different thing. "He almost fought his friend for what he considers right, I can give the boy that." Not many would fight their friend over what they think is the righteous path.

Even less in a situation, it may impact their continued survival. He is a reckless boy, but it can be amended. Spencer would be the best to join them if that display of his actions is anything to go by.

While possibly powerful, Kyrie is bullheaded and short-sighted, his eagerness to help may come back to bite him, or worse, them, in the ass if done in a bad situation, while this Spencer has more brains on him.

"As a last note, we may want to do something about his impulsiveness, he is brave but brash. Those things are bad together, on someone with powers is even worse. Not wanting to doubt your intelligence or wisdom, Lieutenant Colonel."

Lieutenant Colonel Marcus just waves his left hand, dismissing his apology. "Don't worry, Tom. Then, what about "Cain"? The other one with Kyrie?" The air in the room got colder. That guy is… a piece of work.

"I can't get a clear read. This guy managed to grow claws in the spit of a second. I saw them ripping through the skin of his fingers, those things are sharpened bones. I thought he would attempt to kill everyone in the room."

How his friends didn't notice the sudden change in him is something else, or maybe they didn't notice exactly because he is their friend. The guy reeks of carnage, not blood, but carnage. He is no different from the monsters they fought in that regard. "Better have him close with us, than against us."

It wouldn't look good to have this type of person against them. Not in the slightest. While it would be good to have all of them on their side, as they look for more people with powers, one can't win all battles.

These three appear to be heavyweights with their powers, Konrad helped protect the first wave of the evacuation from Holy Oak School, blasting monsters with ferocity and energy. The two redheads fought monsters nonstop for two hours.

If Cain appears to be as deadly as he appears, they can deal with monsters for weeks before things get worse. "Then, let's go to the serious topic, Major Anthony. Did you acquire any intel over these monsters?"

"They appear to be mindless, but this is only on the surface. The moment they noticed we were evacuating people, they stopped attacking at random to focus on the evacuation spots. Other units got destroyed or are still isolated in the city."

Those things are clever, they may not have advanced technology but make it up with innate powers and physique. "We got it easier because James and Lieutenant Colonel John's nephew started a massacre, and Holy Oak was close to the Blue Evening Park."

Monsters stopped coming for them and rushed to the Blue Evening Park, thus their massacre only expanded in the carnage. They played a good bait, a far too good bait. "This is concerning… if they know we were extracting people and aimed at our weak spots, transporting them… is a question of time until they get here too."

While monsters appeared inside the base, they made the mistake of appearing inside a military base and got shot to death as soon as they sprouted. "Yeah, it's only a question of time. Good, we have three superheroes on our side."

Even if people fear them, because of their power and displayed brutality.