
A murmur left his mouth— too much discontent and emotions boiling to the surface. To risk your own life without reward is dumb, only needed in extreme situations, but to risk your life and that of others…

'No, this is just paranoia talking. He acted recklessly, but Kyrie knows how to act mature… this was just an outburst, from both of us.' Given his problems and what he saw, K.J got the wrong impression of his words and went off.

Since yesterday, both of them have been on the edge. To act so reckless too… he shares part of the blame, not only K.J. 'Cain was also on the edge with that boy…' They are all tense and stressed. No doubt because of yesterday…

And yet, they walked and walked, but still haven't reached the dorms. Just what— "Hey, where are you guiding us?" Spencer had the time to monologue, to think about stuff, and they still had to go back to the dorms.

"The right thing should be to take your guys to shower, but since you are not stinky, better grab food. An empty stomach sours anyone's mood." The soldier is right, they woke up and went there directly—

'We could've asked for breakfast or a shower first! Goddammit!' Maybe, just maybe, they all are too stressed, yet… who isn't these days? The world just got worse by an order of magnitude in less than a day.

The mess hall is no less crowded than yesterday, with soldiers keeping the order and the cooks putting food on the plates. A bit of peace. 'Is it safe to eat food here?' They could just poison them—

'No, this is too much paranoia. If we are poisoned, K.J of all people would go ballistic.' Adding two and two together in this type of scenario is easy. They should be that safe at least.

There, they join the waiting line for their food. If they had accepted the deal, they probably wouldn't have to wait, but these benefits are far too meager to be worth putting their lives on the line.

As they wait, someone tugs his shirt, looking down, a girl with an oversized hood, with the initials "K.J" over its shoulder. The little girl from yesterday. "Hello, you are the girl that K.J saved, right?"

Raising her head, she nods. "So… what do you want?" He isn't good with children and doesn't know why she came to meet him, of all people. 'Maybe she wants to give back the hood? Then why come to me instead of K.J?'

"I— it is scary there. K.J is strong, I don't feel scared around him. You know where he is?" This… is a very good reason. Liking it or not, K.J had become a killing machine, a clumsy and emotional one, but still able to invoke carnage if he felt like it.

She holds the hood tight, even if it looks like a cape or a coat in her tin frame. 'You must have left quite an impression on her.' He has grown since yesterday… In a way, everyone has.

"Kid, did you eat?" Surprisingly, James calls her, crouching to appear less intimidating. The little girl rescues a step, before shaking her head. "I see. I'm not hungry, you can take my spot."

The redhead steps out of the line, letting the girl take his place. James just walks away, to a vacant seat on a bench, his eyes staring at the table. 'This is my fault too.' Looking away, he stares at the girl, who stares back at him back.

A bandage was still over her eye. "You are friends with mister K.J, right?" Yes, I am. It is what Spencer wanted to say, but depending on how both he, and K.J approach each other later today…

"Hmm, yes, you can put it that way." The best answer to this situation, at least, the best one to not make things too complicated. The girl's single eye stares harder at him, but soon after they relax. Her single eye was looking straight past him as if staring at his soul…

"Can you take me to him? After I eat?" The metalhead suppresses a grunt, this… is something he cannot do. What a problem. Well, wherever he is, he probably is doing good anyway.

"I don't know where he is right now, but he probably will return to the dorms before we go to sleep." Or sooner, depending on what they can do right now. 'Nothing much, we are not working with the militaries, so walking mindlessly or seeing doom posting all over the internet.'

Not only in the US but all over the world, panic has taken over. A state of emergency has been declared already, and the tendency is for things to go downhill from there. "Okay… then after we are done, can you show me the way to your dorms? Oh! I'm sorry for being so misbehaved!"

Out of the blue, the neutral tone of the girl vanishes, giving place for a worried and even a bit of a scared voice. "I'm so sorry, mister! I am being rude! I didn't ask your name. My name is, huh… Liliana Lake."

'Liliana Lake. L.L. Now I know why you helped her, K.J.' Such a coincidence is so big that it becomes funny… "My name is Spencer and no problem, Liliana." The girl clutches the hood even tighter, looking away.

"But my mom and father said it is rude to start talking without giving your name first…" Her parents must have been great people… judging by her being alone— this world truly gives no one a rest, no matter how old they are.

"Don't worry too much." They walk forward, and the line gets smaller, to them at least. The girl puts on the hood, trying to hide her face.

'She is cute. Maybe she triggered K.J's brotherly instincts?' As hard and strange as it sounds, it may be true. 'Your bleeding heart may get you killed, K.J' Same to Tyler. However, they are surviving back in the city.

'Thanks to Elliot, no doubt.' The line walks a bit, soon, he gets his plate, but stays for a bit longer, to wait for the little girl to get her fill. "Who is next?" The guy putting the food asks, and a tiny arm stretches upward.

"Oh, wait for a little bit, kid." The guy putting the food, clearly puts more food for her, even helping her take the plate with more ease, due to her small size. It is unfair to everyone else there, but honestly, who wouldn't do the same for a little girl?

Now with her plate, both walk towards the bench James is on, an awkward silence between them. 'Why is a child able to invoke awkward silence?' It was a question inside his head. 

They sat with James, him at the redhead's right, and her at his left. They eat in Silence, her being surprisingly polite and making no sound whatsoever while eating. Her parents have raised her to be a polite little lady, hm?

"So, Lily, is it? How did you, and K.J meet each other?" Surprisingly, the redhead giant asks, interested in his voice. K.J didn't go over with details, just that he saved her, and gave her his shirt. What must have happened to make him give someone his favorite hood?

"... Green monsters attacked me and my friend… mister K.J came in, and saved me." All emotions died in her voice, the fact she was alone, and her friend was not here— He could only save her. Her friend died, at some point…

"My condolences." From the bottom of his heart, he couldn't be more sorrowful for Lily. Her parents probably are… and her friend died. How many more children had met a similar fate, or worse? 

He could see part of K.J's point, but it doesn't outweigh his. He has to keep them all safe, his friends first. While, for now, his mother is safe in Italy, the same can't be said for them, they are running on borrowed time.

The talks later today will be hard, he can only hope K.J will be in the mood to talk. And— "Mister Spencer. You still have to finish your plate." Looking at the table, Lily had already finished her plate of food…

'Did she even chew her food? Does she want to meet K.J that much?' This is a borderline obsession, is that even healthy for a child? 'Did she imprint on him, or a bullshit like that?'

His friend has a rough relationship with his brothers, yet he still manages to get a little girl to see him as a safe point, someone reliable and strong. In hindsight, maybe he had gone through tougher stuff than he thought. Enough to protect someone else besides him.

'She seems polite too.' No doubt due to a good upbringing, something rare to kids nowadays. Even Lawrence was a foul-mouthed mocker before meeting K.J. 'Actually, he can be a good influence on youngsters.'