Making Amends

'Eating alone sucks, oh well. Will have more time to reflect on the shit happening.' Which is not a thing he can avoid forever. The time to face those problems head-on will come, some even today…

Such is life: always hard, no reprieving. The line advances, and soon his turn to get food too. Getting his fill, K.J steps out of the line, trying to find where his friend went. In a few seconds, he finds Cain looking aimlessly at an empty plate.

His expression was filled with doubt and… pain. As if something got to him. Not the type of physical pain, but one brought by introspection. "Hey, Cain." Calling for his friend, the black-haired young man looks at him with hesitation and doubt in his face… "Hmmm. Uhh. There is a problem?"

The "barghest" looks away. "Hey, Kyrie… do you think we are… becoming monsters?" Sitting on the bench, his friend, K.J listened attentively. The blood samples, the thing with Konrad… the bloodlust. Cain didn't look meaningfully confused or in doubt about any of these on the last day.

There is always a feather that can break the camel's back. "Are we?" A confusing answer, but the only one close to the "right" one.

His friend blinks, confused. "Are we? The world is starting to burn around us. We did what we needed to survive. If we are monsters, so are the other ones trying to survive." They did their best, not the ideal nor the perfect scenario, but what they could do.

Their powers have little to do with it. While concerning, they don't define who they are or how they should act despite danger and struggle. 'I still protected Lily… didn't I?' The memories of that moment are hazy, filled with a bloody red mist, yet despite the cloud in his mind, he still fought to protect her.

He did his best to help save others. It wasn't enough, but was all he could give, the results, while depressing, were nothing out of the expected…

They are just boys, trying to chew way more than they can eat, they all are. Everyone who wants to survive in this world will need to give their best and more to stay alive in it. Although impulsive, Cain is not wrong by any means.

'He just focused on our survival… to protect us, to get rid of the danger to us as a whole…' A bitter and fiery taste spreading through his mouth, in a way, Spencer did want this too… "It is hypocritical to agree with Cain and yet condemn Spencer…"

His friend widens his eyes a bit, part of the sorrow vanishing from his eyes before returning to wear a neutral expression on his face. K.J eats silently, not wanting to stop Cain's thoughts or snap him out of them. 

Swallowing dry, the "barghest" starts to talk. "Hey… I'm sorry about Konrad, something in me said he was dangerous and needed to be eliminated. I'm sorry for making things harder than they needed to be." Shame and regret in his voice, the tone of someone ashamed for what they did.

A single glance is enough to not only see but feel, the melancholy coming out of him. A clear head does wonders to help see other paths and lines of thinking. 'Something… must be hard to fight back your instincts.'

Harder than he could imagine, despite having a mythical wolf as the base of his powers, he hadn't anything like Cain does with his power. How could this be? There are so many things they have yet to understand.

  Finishing his food, Kyrie puts his right arm around Cain's shoulder, pulling him closer. For a moment, Cain shakes and trembles, before relaxing, taking deep breaths. His face is heating up. 

"Don't worry, you didn't act too much on it, and we avoided a problem. You don't have to worry about this anymore. Leave it in the past." As a person, K.J can never fully understand his friend, but as his friend, he can feel a weight being released from Cain's shoulder, as he chokes back tears.

While dangerous and a problem sign, Cain managed to get himself under control in time, he doesn't need to gnaw at silly mistakes. No matter what, he still is, and will always be, one of his friends. Same to Lawrence, Spencer, Tyler, Elliot, and James.

While looking away, a small laugh leaves Cain's mouth, despite negative feelings, happiness and acceptance still are in it. "You are right, thanks, friend." His face is a little brighter and better.

'Hope the talk with Spencer goes as smoothly as this one.' While only time will tell, holding onto hope never hurts anyone. Does James and Spencer's blood be different from the norm, like theirs? Or is this only because they have the power of monsters?

'In hindsight, that doctor also said something about Konrad's blood…' It has something to do with monsters… but what? Are they being changed on a biological level?

Or something else entirely? 'If something bad were to happen, we would already have felt the consequences.' Yet, nothing came out of it.

This is one of these questions that need more research to get a clue of what is happening. That doctor has to do a good job while she can, who knows how long they will have "peace" like that.

How hard is it to analyze blood? Given, their blood is not normal, it shouldn't be a problem. From deep within himself, K.J feels someone cursing his name. "What a strange feeling…" Like someone trying to scream at you, but their voice never reaches your ears.

"Well, since we are done, let's go back to the dorms. I want to settle things with Spencer as soon as possible." It will be hard to face him after their outburst back in the Lieutenant Colonel's office.

Yet it has to be done, otherwise, they will never reach any resolution to their problems, and a rift will be made. It can only be bridged right now before the chasm grows too big. From behind him, Cain hesitates for a few seconds, before choosing to follow after him.


As expected, they are in their dorms. Unsurprisingly, if not by the fact, Lily is with them, sitting on his bed and balancing her legs. Her single eye shines with recognition upon seeing him. "Mister!"

Like yesterday, the blonde torpedo runs to him, hugging him and throwing all of her way upon him. Just what was she doing there…? "Mister! You forgot once again to take your hood!" 

'Oh, this is why she is here.' He had said she could keep the hoodie, no? "I don't need it anymore, you can keep it, Lily." looking him in the eye, the little girl frowns, clearly not liking his answer.

Spencer looks in their direction, his eyes shining with will. He probably wants to say something, like him. "Lily, we can talk later. I need to speak with Spencer." Her frown deepens a little, but she lets go of the hug with a huff.

"We will talk later, then!" She stomps out of the dorm, sulking. It would be a struggle to have this talk with her right here. Things would become unnecessary, and bothersome.

Both he and Spencer walk forward, standing before each other. Looking each other in the eye. Their faces are neutral, not betraying any emotion behind their own eyes. A cold and tense situation.

His heart races, emotions building up. Despite them not moving or saying anything, K.J could feel the cold growing in his limbs and the dryness spreading in his mouth. How can they do the first step, without stomping on each other's foot?

'The first step is always the hardest.' Ignoring his hesitation, his pride, and what he thinks is right, Kyrie advances. His own heart is beating as if wanting to exit his chest, but there is no going back now.

His arms envelop Spencer, bringing him closer. He could feel his metalhead friend's heart beating faster as his body tensed up in surprise. "I'm sorry, Spencer." He shouldn't have lashed out, much less got ready to burst against his friend.

The metalhead breathes in and out, thinking of what to do, ultimately deciding to return the hug. "I'm sorry too… I went over the board there." With difficulty, Spencer lets these words out of his mouth, swallowing his pride as he does so.

They both were wrong in their approach. "I can't agree with your instance, but I can understand it." To protect them, his friends, over people he doesn't even know, is the natural choice someone would make.

"I can respect it, but I can't agree with it. I hope you can understand it, Spencer." The metalhead tightens the hug, breathing heavily, trying to formulate his answer to this situation.

"I… can respect and understand your actions, Kyrie, but I will never agree with them. What you, and Cain, are doing is extremely reckless. You will not be swayed out, so… keep yourselves safe."

His voice was full of hurt and acceptance. James looks away, trying to not dwell or join the conversation, without doubt, to keep himself, and them, from getting unnecessarily hurt, more than they already are. "Same to you, keep yourself safe, S.M. Don't be so reckless ever again."

They share a swallow and dry laugh, letting go of each other, and finishing their hug. They will never agree on this matter, but they can settle it. Despite going on different paths, they can do so without nurturing bitterness and rivalry. 

They see the world in different ways and with different lenses, but this won't be a deterrent to their friendship, not as long as both of them are willing to understand each other. Although they go on different paths, their friendship won't end.

Not as long as they live and survive in this world. However, from behind them, a little sob, a girly sob… 'Lily…' They have each other, back in the city, Elliot, L.L, and Tyler have each other and yet, who does Lily have?