A stroll across the village

"I'm sorry, so sorry. I didn't foresee that Maremalle would act so… hostile. Sorry about that." Ingrid says in an apologetic tone, tired because of the small commotion that happened inside the bakery.

"Don't worry. While it wasn't that bad, her strength is commendable for someone so small." She would surely lose the contest if Kyrie was serious. The sheer fact her headbutt made his forehead bleed is a good show of strength.

Taking a bite of the pastry filled with sweets, the taste of red berries jello. The pastry is soft and easy to bite and chew. Maremalle's boast about being the best baker may not be that far-fetched after all.

"Still, I didn't expect she would try to start a fight with you. Why someone with her powers has to be so explosive?" With a head shake, Ingrid takes a bit of her sweet pastry. It is hard to be the straight man in a species of oddballs.