Insanity Before the Climax 2

As the dust settles and energy dissipates, Yraka continues to kick at the air, keeping himself afloat, and avoiding falling into the abyss. On the other end, the Valkyrie uses her wings to hide her body, a species of shield.

More blood falls from them, as the armor from her body is burnt and melts off her flesh, revealing the muscles and vessels underneath it. 'For a maiden of Odin, their armor is their skin.'

A crack appears in the orb on her chest. "You… what you did? This… shouldn't be possible!"

Yraka merely laughs, closing off his shoulder wounds with a flex of his muscles. "I'm the man-at-arms for a reason. Harmatia is a cursed living sword. You enhanced your mana with spirits, and this sword can share the damage done to someone you get a soul connection with.