First step towards the future 1

It has been a few days since it all ended, and the scientists... engineers had started working on the vehicle. Without the scientific knowledge necessary to understand what they say, for Kyrie, it all sounds like gibberish in the end.

So all he knows is a lip service of their overall objective. The survivors of the prison are all trying to adapt, and the ones who had seen the worst of the carnage forget what happened.

He can't blame them; that many corpses were gathered in months, and of course, with the previous and new inhabitants of that prison.

It was a deathtrap from the start, a deathtrap they narrowly avoided because of the timely intervention of a killing machine like Yraka. In the end, death was the only outcome for them hadn't the mastermind's attention solely focused on him and the red fairy. A small miracle that allowed their continued existence.