Into Stultifera Navis 2

Kyrie entered the vehicle with the crowd, Mary took him by the wrist, hastening her pace. Effortlessly, he hastened his. As if a curse to the thoughts of some days ago, the inside of the landship was almost completely dull.

Fashioned of trains of yore, the ones with dorms and whatnot in their wagons, it was almost stylish and good, if it wasn't for the metal aspect everything had. The walls, the ceiling, the floor. In some spots, he could see small pipes, while in others the sound of machinery working was audible.

It was unpleasant, but he couldn't say much about it besides that. For a full second, he barely noticed Mary, of all people, guiding him by the hand, driving them through the crowd. Embarrassment started to show in his face, flushing red.