Acceptance of Corruption

However, a smile painted her lips. She pushed the pesky armor out of the way to reveal more of her new flesh, of the skin granted to this new life. The right to live as a human being, and not only as a Valkyrie.

As she stared at the burn scars, the dark flames in her core swelled with pride and power, while the holy light diminished in shame and disgust. The perfection of her being was tainted beyond reconstruction and the salvation of the All-Father.

Yet all she did was smile. Using both hands to touch this new flesh, digits sink without mercy or relent on the newfound soft meat. First, her own neck. Without collars or armor to protect it, her throat went up and down, so fragile and open for attacks.

Up and down. She gulped, and it showed on her reflection in the mirror. Not only as a detail but as a vital part of her body, not fused with metal and clothing. With a deep breath, her hands latched on the neck, holding it tightly.