Bird problems

Kyrie breathed deeply and threw himself on the bed, his face falling flat against the pillow. At the end of the day, they managed to get Ouro her own room, akin to a prison cell rather than a proper room, but it's needed for someone like her. He can agree and see the benefits of this decision.

For them to know where she was in at all times when she left and entered her room was preferable, rather than leaving her to have private time to do God knows what. The prison was more than enough examples of the type of carnage she could invoke.

Even if Ouro cannot be as destructive and evil as she was, the past can be used as a metric to gauge how things can escalate out of control and become pandemonium should she be left alone.

Kyrie realized he could simply shut her down from within the moment he wanted to. It was a cruel reality, but she was not someone he could trust, even if Ouro was his servant and couldn't go against his will.