Midnight Thoughts 1

After the talk with the elder, he was accepted into the pack. While Kyrie cannot deny he was happy at being part of something again, he wouldn't lie about it either. He may be a part of this pack, but he wouldn't be sleeping with them in holes in the ground.

The smell must be awful. This is a line he isn't willing to cross. Instead, he climbed up a tree, with his trusty barrel by his side while he stood "guard" over the pack's ground, using the better view and his inconspicuous human presence to stay under the radar.

Anything that came their way would first see the wolves rather than him, which made it easier to alert them all should something happen.

'Either way, everything is so boring when you wait for things to happen.' Kyrie yawned, leaning against the tree trunk, his eyes without glimmer or light.

Who could blame him if he said it was boring? When you were all alone in the storm, everything was boring or out of place.