The Ending of a half


An immense shadow loomed over them like a malignant star emerging from the darkest reaches of outer space to greet them. Its voice was commanding, sharp as a blade yet loud as an explosion.

Like the voice of a beastly god, a creature of divinity and beasthood alike, a monster out of legends. And yet… its voice felt less than the gentle and teary tone of the woman who rests his head against her lap.

"HE HAS YET A ROLE TO FULFILL; THIS ONE SHAN'T DIE, NOT YET. HE SHALL ACCEPT MY POWERS ONCE AND FOR ALL. FULFILL THE ROLE THAT WAS GIVEN." Demanded the voice, the darkness crawling closer to them like a wave of tumors, a blight upon these lands, a tidal wave of curses.

It made his skin crawl in disgust. His shattered body and crumbling mind recognized that thing as vile and cursed, a blight upon the land.