The Darkness that always waited within 3

Like black lightning, the creature pounces from its hiding in the shadows, its claws big and large, its presence overwhelming and crushing even if Kyrie couldn't see it. The young man's lips curled into a frown, his right leg dormant and unresponsive.

A large purple bloat formed underneath the maroon skin like a lump of flesh. A great pain inside his brain, his leg pulsating like a living being, the blood vessels underneath the skin dried and charred, cutting the blood flow and leaving a bloating in its place.

His severely colder blood in comparison to the blackened patch of skin left of his flesh, itching and crawling from underneath the skin, his bone having a thermal shock because of the fireblast that merely scratched him.

Colorful spots overtake his vision, drooling of pain, Kyrie tries to think of a way to survive this, down on the ground as the beast readies itself to feast on him, his heart racing, trying to think of alternatives.