Meeting an old Friend

Kyrie blocked the axe's head and kicked away the bandit leader. His golden amber eyes were surprised to see an old, aged face. A mix of surprise and anticipation churned in the pit of his stomach.

She was different from the chibi chief he met. Her form is more in line with an adult, a mature woman in her early late twenties despite her slightly diminutive size and frame. How she aged that fast in such little time, he couldn't know, or maybe she was a shapeshifter.

The only thing Kyrie knew was that like him, she had changed. She was older, yet still recognizable. A heavy winter outfit, most likely given by Ingrid, and an indomitable aura around her. Someone he didn't expect to meet there of all places.

A fairy who is as fiery as a volcano erupting, and eyes twice as fierce. An eager and defiant grin adorned her lips. Before a single word was exchanged between them, another axe swung by her other hand.