Way back home 1

Kyrie held his face, his mind in a painful daze. Something is going on behind the scenes; all of this makes too much sense. Far too much sense to be a mere coincidence. 'The fact I stumbled on that base and this Haven is not a mere coincidence.'

His being was full of bitterness and spite. A sense of wrongness. 'There was someone here able to answer my questions.' An once a blue moon miracle if he had ever seen one. Generally, they do not answer his questions, refuse to do so, or he gets thrown far away from them before they can be of any help.

'The supernatural questions I have, and that someone is from Asgard at that. There is someone else playing me like a fool.' Kyrie was a fool himself, but it didn't mean he would allow anyone else to control him. His manipulator could do so and still keep herself shrouded in shadows.