Ten thousand steps, one thousand left 2

The ceiling opened above their heads as Soleater forcefully moved Allen to stand near the trio, saving time for whatever it saw. In the back of his mind, Kyrie felt dread. A familiar dread of an overwhelming force, a dread he couldn't pinpoint its origin precisely.

His heart raced, his pupils shrinking. A feeling of dismay and great fright, as if facing a disaster of nature, as if he was back in the city when the apocalypse started, the same feeling of loss and fear he had back then running through his veins.

The fear of the unknown, and what he does not understand.

In an instant, they were atop Soleater's head, moved away by its inside and self-control. The snowstorm stopped raging even if the ambient was still impossibly cold. The howling winds seemed to die, leaving a vacancy behind where nothing is or could be.