Ten thousand steps, one thousand left 4

The night was silent, with no noise besides the hanging glowing fruits above their heads. The storm was eerily quiet, and the others didn't make a sound. She was the first to open her eyes and see them.

Three people were perfectly laid in wooden beds with mattresses and blankets made of woven leaves, courtesy of the house itself. She was on the sofa; she didn't need beds like them. The house had its priorities straight.

Their faces were unease and didn't show signs of rest. She could not blame them, seeing a Lyndwyrm was not something mortals should see so early.

'A dragon that eats through Yggdrasil's woods like the termites that nest inside it. A parasite that feeds off other parasites.' For all of its dragon attributes, a worm was a worm no matter its shape.

Although it did not invalidate its power for most normals, and it was a small Lyndwyrm at that. Maremalle held her face, a pulsation rocking her brain.