The Journey Fulfilled 9

The last time he caught a metro with his friends was long ago. It felt almost nostalgic to be inside one, to feel the cold air inside it. The only added benefit was the fact that the car they were in was almost empty. Only they and a handful of people were inside it.

A perfect ambiance for an incomplete reunion. "So, you are…?" James questioned Allen, who sat at his side, eyeing Zillia, who showed her tongue, and Maremalle, who merely ignored him to play with his long hair.

Kyrie sighed. "Allen, now is a nice time to introduce yourself. You were whining about it a few minutes ago." Kyrie said nonchalantly. Maremalle played and tugged on his hair, entertained by it for the time being.

With each tug, she applied a little more strength, testing the waters… 'I should put an end to it soon.' Kyrie exhaled with annoyance at the redhead's action, but he couldn't stop it, and it was better to have a fairy entertained than bored.