Not Sunshine and Rainbows 1

Kyrie yawned. It was not day, and it would not be for a long time, yet he could not help himself but yawn. Even if it was near daytime, there would be no light to herald the coming of the sun.

In the end, it was meaningless. By his side slept a redhead with a more mature appearance than before. "What a mess," Kyrie sighed. Maremalle knew how to capitalize on a situation. On the windows, the sight of the raging snowstorm greeted the human.

A raging and impenetrable snowstorm like the ones he got used to. The difference between all these snowstorms and this one is that the human felt warmer than before. At peace despite what happened a day prior. 'Less than a day, actually.' He self-corrected the information in his mind.