Officialization 2

With a quick stroll, they arrived at the Hunters' Association building. It was large and opulent, even by the standards Kyrie had seen. However, it was dull on the outside, grey everywhere he could see. "You guys should consider hiring a designer to improve the entrance of the building. It's dull and ugly. There are so many ways it could be better…"

"Maybe we will in the future, but for now, we should get through the bureaucracy. Not even we can escape it, ugh," James grunted, greatly bothered by the problems bureaucracy represented. Not even in the apocalypse were they free from it.

"Let's get it done then. This way we can go back home faster." Well, it was James' home. Kyrie just had a room in it. He too had his home, but it was on the other side of the city, buried in snow and acting antisocially towards any life form besides himself and his traveling companions. It was not exactly fit for city life.