Request to a Shade 2

Allen was pleased with the design after leaving the city, as Snowsaint's architecture had never given any reason for it to be likable. It was an atrocious city divided into floors, a walled-up city that cramped its inhabitants like sardines in a can and never gave any freedom of movement.

It was like a jail, a jail people were forced to live in if they wanted to survive. 'Tsc, it was so disgusting.' It was why Allen always sought thrills in heists, stealing from supernaturals and then selling it to other supernaturals for a bigger price.

Robbing was the medicine for a boring and lifeless life. Only the rich people got some enjoyment out of that hell of a city. Sadly, Allen never was rich, and could never partake in their hobbies and waste of resources. As one of the poorer people, the normal people, high life always was elusive and out of reach.