The end of Hope 1

Kyrie snapped his eyes open, feeling the sensation of paper against his palm. He brought his hand close to his face, his eyes locked on it as if his life depended on it. His nose immediately caught the familiar scent of someone he had forgotten for some cursed reason—Lily.

The clear message on the paper read: 'If you believed in me, you know where to find me. I will be waiting for you. Kyrie.' The human's eyes shook, his pupils shrinking. His heart started to pulsate and throb like an engine out of control, the blood inside his veins saturated quickly with adrenaline.

He had a mission he needed to accomplish at all costs: find Lily, Wolf Prince, and Ouro. He had a direction now, despite the cold, the raging blizzard, and the chaos that would ensue. He smelled her scent leading back into the depths of the city, where he needed to go.