Bad Company

Kyrie opened his eyes to see a concerned Ouro before him and an annoyed Maremalle. It was not the sight he expected when getting up. "So, did I miss something?" He knew that napping at an important meeting and gathering was not a big show of discipline, but he didn't think of it as that bad to warrant both of them before him.

The first to sigh was Maremalle, as Ouro looked away, raising her face with a sense of superiority. "It is not that, Kyrie. It is just that… Soleater has bad news to tell us here." Kyrie groaned and got up, resting Wolf Prince on his shoulder.

His chest glowed brighter, in a tone of red deep light, and it didn't seem to go off, as Wolf Prince's eyes shone brighter than ever. It was a pleasant warm feeling within his chest, like basking in the sun. "So, what did Soleater have to say?"