Into the Nest of Woes 2 (Spencer's side)

Inside a nice, velvet room sat a couple on their armchairs. The woman had a nice bottle of wine by her side and an empty glass, meanwhile, the man held many archives and documents, speed-reading through one before jumping to the other.

Spencer held his temples, Mary by his side with a concerned and somewhat solemn expression. "Who would have thought that Kyrie could do all of this?" She smiled darkly, feeling pain in her heart over seeing what happened to their friend, and the kind person Kyrie was in her memories.

That Kyrie was dead when he brought destruction and strife upon Ultima Hope. "Who would have thought indeed." Spencer shook his head, resting against his chair. His whole body was patched up after the fight against Kyrie. Spencer was not at peak performance, but between him and Kyrie, he knew the beast was in a worse state.