I began to wonder. I promised myself that I will ask Madison how she settled her argument with her cousin. 2 Hours later, By 10:00pm, while watching the news, it was revealed that the town coroner, Mr. Jones is going to be interviewed by the news regarding the corpse of the Ex- sheriff Mr Robinson, that was found yesterday behind Memphisto tunnel. The newscaster briefly talked about the horrific experience the corpse had suffered in the hands of psychotic killer, It was definitely inhumane. After which, the town coroner, Mr. Jones was introduced by Mrs. Veronica, the journalists who was to conduct an interview session regarding the recent happenings in our town. From the interview session, we were all able to see the coroner point of view, which many called Disastrous. The coroner stated that mr Robinson was just a pawn in a bigger game. That is his own angle, and I think he was right. Even i myself ask the same question he did, "who would go for a sheriff when you know the government would replace him instantly? More so, the sheriff was expected to retire later on that month. Soon after, I went to bed.

Friday 25th September, i woke up, went to have my bathe and got prepared for school. Afterwards, my mom called me to come have breakfast before i left for school. While i was going to the dinning room, a strange thought out of no where hit me. I began to wonder, "what if everything happening in this town is a plan for organized crime to takeover?" I took a close look at this theory, Mr. melvin, who is a mobster want the post of mayor, which grant him immunity and power to do and undo, the town in recent weeks has suffered a high rate of drug abuse, we also have a psychotic killer roaming the street. All this terrible happenings, are demeaning the effort of the present government administration, making the possibility of Mr sanders winning the mayoral election a reality. Let imagine this for a second, if a mobster is made the leader, the dream of organized crime will definitely be achieved. The rate of drug abuse would definitely go up by hundred percent, everyone knows illegal drug making is one of the business of a mobster and members of the underworld. Not to talk of the town serial killer who is mission orientated. Then it hit me, "what if his victim are potential threat to the underworld mobster illegal operation, and the taking over of scholar town?" If so, it best we brace ourselves for the rainstorm that is coming.

Later on, while i was on my way to school, i got a phone call from glory, she called to inform me that her school had made agreement with my school to have a friendly football match. This got me excited, cause i realize i would be able to meet my cousins. Some seconds later, i was approached by felicia, she requested to speak to me.

Felicia exhaled, "February, I want to thank you for yesterday." Felicia said.

I stared into her eyes, "There is no need for that, i only did what I felt is right." I replied.

"I understand, but still thank you. I am really grateful to know someone like you." She muttered.

I smiled, "It's alright, don't flatter me to much." I responded.

She laughed, "Okay, see you in class." She said.

"Of course." I replied.

At school, after second period, fight ensued between two of my classmates. A little disagreement made Nanette slap Tabitha, which instigated a fight between both parties. This caused a whole lot of buzz, as the entire student community entertained both girls unruly behaviour. Which i found disgusting and disheartening. If such incident could take place in a school, which is expected to be safe zone, just imagine what could happen in the outside world. I would be lying if i said i was not worried, I am afraid the town will tear itself apart.

By 11:45, it time for break, I was heading to the cafeteria, I came across James Lockwood, he was talking to one of his male pals. I asked him to see me in camera, he obliged. James father is one of the town wealthiest people, so I believe he surely had a connection to the hobost society. I could not tell James my full intention, he is not aware of what I am up to.

I took a deep breath, stared into James eyes, "James, don't mind me asking, What do you know about the hobost society?" I muttered.

"What! why are you asking?" James responded.

I was worried what james will do if he knew the truth, so i chose to lie to him. "No reason, just that my father want me to write an article regarding the society. Sadly, I know nothing about the society that I could write down." I said.

James looked dumbfounded, "I am sorry, I can't help you. I myself know absolutely nothing about the society." James noted.

I was vexed, pissed as well. I confronted james, "You can't be serious, the society is for the wealthiest people in scholar town, your father is one of them, and yet you say you know nothing about them! Do you think I am stupid?".

"Now you understand how I feel when you lie to me." James replied.

I was caught unaware, "I never lied to you." I muttered.

James scoffed, "But you are keeping things from me." He said.

I looked into James eyes, "Why will you think that way?" I asked.

James placed his hands on my shoulder, stared at me eyeball to eyeball, "Tell me what is going on between Madison, melody and yourself?" James asked.

Nothing." I answered without flinching.

"Okay, you still chose to lie, don't worry, I guess you will get an answer from me when you are ready to say the truth." James said indignantly.

I was annoyed,. "C'mon James, stop being childish." I said angrily.

James smirks, "I don't have time to argue, February I am off to the cafeteria." He noted.

I was disappointed, "Shit!" I exclaimed. "You know what James, don't worry, I will find my answer myself."

"That is none of my business February." James responded. "It is really sad that i thought you were my friend, you can't even tell me the truth."