Mrs roberta cried, after which she continued with her revelation. "I would admit, my way was wrong, but I was looking for justice for my daughter. I could not stop thinking about Mr. Clayton, who raped my daughter who is less that eighteen. For God sake, Mr. Clayton is old enough to be Sandra's father." Mrs Roberta said angrily.

Felicia sighed, "This is truly disgusting and disheartening. Mrs Roberta, you didn't make the right call. I have to be honest." She said.

I exhaled, overwhelmed by all i just heard, "Mrs Roberta, you are right about one thing, your way was wrong. Your desire for vengeance almost took away an innocent life. I can assure you Mr Alberto will pay for his sins, but so will you." I said distinctly.

"I understand. It will be satisfying to see my daughter get the justice she deserved." Mrs Roberta noted.