Chapter 3

peanut scream in to the large bubble tea plushie he was hugging, he's pissed probably even considering murder all because of those stupid alpha's that won't stop following him around like lost puppies his peaceful bookworm life was being interrupted because of them he has been harassed so many times by their growing fan club.

he felt like crying he just wants his peaceful life back "maybe if I transfer to another academy I'll get my peace back" he sniffled burying his head in his arms holding the plushie close to himself sobbing softly "why won't those stupid alpha's leave me be" he yelled throwing his plushie across the room in anger.

peanut grabbed his phone dialing his alpha mother's number he hoped she would go with his idea of changing school's,but to his disappointment his mother doesn't pick up.

if he wasn't going to get his wish of transferring schools he might as well start on his assignment for chemistry class which is due in three days,he walk over to his desk wiping the tears from his eyes and open up his backpack pulling out his chemistry book, he placed the book on the desk and opened it to the page he wrote down the information,he sits down grabbing a gummy worm from the open bag on the desk ,he bites into it enjoying the sweet taste.

he put on his glasses reading the chapter he needs to understand before getting started, yes he wears glasses he just doesn't wear them often.

he puff out his cheeks as he gets started on his assignment.

the next morning peanut woke up with drool running from his mouth onto the table were his cheeks rest,he wipes his mouth and yawns stretching out his arms above his head feeling the stiff muscles that he had accumulated from sitting down all night.

he slowly stand up and walk to the bathroom to wash up and brush his teeth,when he was done he made his way to his closet and pulled out a black oversized hoodie,black jeans and white sneakers.

peanut pull the hood over his head trying to hide but who else walks this school's halls with their head in a book and a plushie under their arm no one except for him that is.

"hey peanut!" peanut flinch in surprise he turned around slowly to see the omega that was his partner in home economics class, peanut wanted to run why was his quiet life not so quiet anymore,he didn't answer he just turn back around and kept walking,the boy frowned and ran after him "peanut I'm talking to you" he said reaching forward grabbing the shorter boys wrist pulling him to a stop, peanut quickly yanked his hand free and continued walking ignoring the boy behind him "okay bye" the boy sighed turning to walk in the other direction.

peanut let out a sigh and continue to read his book as he walked to class ,as soon as he entered the classroom he saw the two new alpha's,he walked to his seat and glued his eyes to his book not wanting to look at them they are the cause of his book worm life crumbling down ,peanut is confused as to why they keep following him and eyeing him.

the school day came to an end and peanut was dying to go to the library he need to relieve some stress on his brain,he packed his things in to his backpack and made his way to the library his books tucked safely in his backpack.

"excuse me ma'am" peanut said politely waiting patiently for a reply from the elderly librarian.

"yes" she respond turning to face peanut "I was wondering if there was any new story books?" he asked nervously fiddling his thumbs.

"ah,of course" she said pointing her index finger at the shelves behind her.

"can I return this book please" he asked handing her the book he borrowed the last time.

he hand's her his library card with a nervous smiled "also can I borrow another book?" He asked hesitantly.

she nods her head in response "pick the book you would like to borrow" she replied gesturing her hand towards the bookshelf behind her, peanut wanted to pick all of them but they only lend out one book at a time peanut was unsure which one to choose he took a deep breath puffing out his cheeks as he thinks long and hard,a soft chuckle was heard and he looked to the side seeing the brown skinned omega standing next to the shelf, peanut didn't have time to care about the omega right now he was too busy trying to make up his mind.

"pick the red one it has a good storyline" the omega spoke softly watching peanut carefully.

peanut picked the book that was recommended "if it's not good I'm going to hit you with it come tomorrow" he said softly way too soft for the other omega to hear.

the omegas lips curved into a small smile as he watch peanut's actions,the omega really wanted to be peanut's friend but the boy had his walls way too high,but this omega was not going to give up he was going to be peanut's first friend,he wanted to be the friend of the most unfriendly omega in the academy and it is going to be a hard one because peanut is not one to open up are be friendly.

"my name's Levi by the way" he offered his hand towards peanut to shake.

peanut looked down at the boys hand about to panic but he held it in and just left with his book under his arm,he doesn't need friends he thought as he left the library.