"we're leaving princess" Jeremy says kissing the top of peanuts head unknowingly, Jeremy pulled back quickly realizing what he just did "sorry just a habit" he says looking over at Levi who was hugging Michael for dear life "i.. it's fine" peanut blushes looking at the ground.

"hey princess we'll see you back at school in the next two months" Michael says ruffling peanuts hair as he place kisses all over his face playfully.

"Mich!!" Jeremy shouts surprise at his brother, trying to stop him from doing what he was doing.

"stop! you idiot!" Jeremy says covering Michaels mouth pulling him away from peanut who looks as if he was about to pass out,this was too much affection and touchiness for the little omega.

"did you see that lilia they put their dirty alpha lips on my baby I'm gonna murder them,kill them dead,rip them to pieces!" peanuts alpha mother growls making grabby hand's but she was being held in place by her wife who was just smiling like the angel she is "our son has such good and handsome people looking out for him" Lilia smiled.

"come-on Mich let's go the car is waiting" Jeremy pulls him along as fast as he can "you have no sense of personal space" he says pulling his brother along with him.

"wow look who's talking" Michael said laughing.

"shut up at least I didn't do it on purpose" Jeremy says still pulling him to the car.

"it's only us now peanut what can we do together that's fun" Levi says throwing himself in to the couch that peanut was on.

"I'm going to the library" peanut mumbles hugging his plushie as he gets up "well let's go" Levi says getting up from the couch as well "what? are you coming with me" peanut says confused.

"yes of course i am" he says with a sweet smile, causing peanuts heart to skip a beat "stop it stupid heart" peanut whisper to himself clutching his chest trying to calm his rapid beating heart.

"let's go" Levi smirk grabbing hold of peanut's hand pulling him along.

"do you even know where the library is" peanut complains tugging his hand out of Levi's grip, Levi chuckles "no idea" he shrugs.

"I'm gonna ask mom to take us there" peanut says walking towards the stairs.

"okay" Levi shrugs following the omega like a little duckling.

"mom" peanut call's running in to his alpha mom's office, would think he learned from last time but no "yes baby boy" she says standing up smiling at the small omega "take us to the library please" he asked sweetly.

she chuckled at the cuteness of her son "yes sure" she says leaving the office,the two boys following behind her out to the car.

getting to the library peanut felt like he was in heaven books all around him filling every corner,books everywhere he looked,Levi on the other hand was just happy he could spend time with peanut,so happy the beautiful boy was giving him the time of day.

peanut grabbed as much books as he could carry to a table in the back "can you even read that many books in the span of a couple hours" Levi asks amused "i can and will" peanut smirks putting the pile of books on one side of the table "okay then" Levi smiles.

Levi watch as the little omega reads his heart out every emotion showing in his eyes,it was like watching a beautiful moving portrait and it made goosebumps rise all over Levi's skin.

peanuts mom was watching how Levi looked at her son it was like a love struck puppy she didn't know how to feel about this an omega in love with another omega well she can't do anything about it.

after watching peanut read for hours it was now five in the afternoon and the library was about to close peanut didn't want to leave ,he wanted to stay forever surrounded by books but he can not.

after getting home the sulky boy walked up to his room Levi following after him "peanut are you ok" Levi asked worried about the boy who throws himself on to the bed.

"i'm fine" he mumbled burying his face in a pillow.

Levi spent the next couple minutes beside the sulky omega "peanut".


"i always wanted to ask you something,no actually do something" Levi says nervously.

"what do you mean" peanut says now looking at Levi confused.

"can i...uhm can you um" Levi started stumbling on his words.

"can i kiss you" he finally got out.


"I wanna kiss you...and i don't want you to hate me because im asking...you...if you would like to kiss me...now or whenever...ummm" Levi stops breathing for a moment.

'say no say no' peanuts brain tells him but his mouth says the opposite "yes".

"really?" Levi ask surprised.

'no' his brain says "yes" his mouth whispers.

with a smile Levi slowly leaned down to the omega who in turn leans upward closing the gap between them his eyes closed tightly feeling butterflies swarm inside his stomach,they kissed and it felt right,everything felt right their lips fit perfectly, both their bodies pressed against each other,the kiss was slow yet intense,the kiss ended too soon and they both were panting.

"that was amazing" Levi smiles resting his forehead onto the peanuts, his hot breath still brushing peanuts lips.

peanut didn't know what to say are do he just froze that was his first kiss and it felt good,amazingly good.