Peanut found solace in the library. Amongst the rows of bookshelves and the hushed murmurs of fellow book readers, he could lose himself in the worlds contained within the pages of his favorite novels. Today was no different he was immersed in a captivating story, his plushie perched beside him.

However, his peaceful haven was shattered when a beta approached him. The boy attempted to strike up a conversation, but Peanut, as was his usual habit, chose to ignore the attempts at small talk. He had little interest in idle chit-chat, especially when it interfered with his reading.

The beta boy persisted, becoming increasingly insistent, even mentioning Levi, Peanut's boy-friend, friend, in an attempt to provoke a reaction. He spoke ill of Levi, calling him fake and a pretender. Peanut's grip on his book tightened as anger flickered in his eyes, but he didn't respond.