To the New Place

Denisha came up with the idea that they should go to Kathmandu to find Adhir, but Muna was against it.

"I can't bear to lose my daughter too," Muna almost cried.

"You won't," Aastha said, coming near her. "We have to find him and save mama and Denisha's Fupu lives there so we may get some help."

( Fupu = Father's Sister.)

Muna shook her head, and Aastha sighed, looking at her father for help.

"I will go with them," Pratik said.

"No, no, Buwa. She needs you here. I have Denisha with me. Trust me, we will manage." she said this, looking at her father and then at her mother.

( Buwa= father )

After pleading 1,000 times, her parents agreed.

"Please take care of yourself and Aama," Aastha requested to her father.

Muna came near her daughter and touched her face.