Exam Results (Revised!)

Jake woke up early in the morning, did a set of exercises eagerly waiting for the results in his home. There was no need for him to go to school to check the results, as they can be viewed online.

There is still time for the results to come out, he can go for a quick hunt but stopped himself from doing that. He was nervous and that could be understood about the thoughts to hunt. It could clear his mind and free him from his tensions but that is something that he should be doing at this moment.

As soon as the result comes out, it is going to be hectic from then on. There would be many things to do and he would be too tired if he went on to hunt monsters in Yaros at this moment. So he stayed home.


One Hour Later...

Beep! Beep!

"Huh, it looks like the results are out", Jake murmured to himself.

He immediately clicked the mail to open it.


 Everlands Education Council

Dear student, attached to this email is a file with your final year school results. Good luck with your further endeavours.


Jake read the mail and then clicked the file attached to open it.


Name: Jake Black

School: Dolen High School

Year of Graduation: 96 Y.R (year of renewal)


History & Culture: A+

Finance: A+

Monsters & Beasts: A+

Combat Efficiency: C-


Jake smiled looking at the results. This is what he had expected in the first place, more or less.

For the theoretical part, he aced all three subjects, getting an A+ for each subject, the highest one can get. For the combat though, he only got a C-, because when they checked his level had only reached five.

This put him in the lower rung of the combatants.

While he was thinking, he heard a knock on his door. Since his parents died, there weren't many visitors. The number decreased as the years went by. Now no one comes by, except for one, his classmate Thea.

He was sure it was her at the door and he was right.

When he opened the door, Thea barged in asking, "Dude, How are your results?"

Thea was like this always. She treated his home as hers and would barge in without any invitation.

Though due to teh issue of his parent's demise, he doesn't trust someone fully but Thea is at the top of the people that he trusts to an extent.

Sometimes she acts his best friend, which she is, but Jake would feel wierd whenever she calls him, Dude.

He always thought that was how male friends called each other but not a girl addressing her male friend. Over the years he got used to it, but that doen't mean he didn't feel weird about it.

"I got A+ in all theory subjects but the combat efficiency was rated C-. I guess having a lower level is the reason for the low rating", Jake replied to Thea's question about his results.

"Of course it is you idiot. What have you been doing all week? You should have reached at least level seven for the best academies to consider anyone but you were stuck at five. Now you may lose the opportunities", Thea lectured him.

Jake scratched his head embarrassingly, "I know but how could I know it would turn out like this. Most hunters killed the beasts before I could even get a chance. I had to wait for longer queues at the dungeon".

Thea slapped on the back of his head, "I offered you help but you didn't agree to it. I don't even know what's your name in Yaros".

"Thea, why are you hitting me? Even if I had accepted your help it wouldn't be useful. You chose the Elven race, while I chose the human race. We start way apart from each other", Jake said thinking that this girl is not all acting like a girl would.

Thea just harrumphed at him, "Did you get in the head or what?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" Jake asked, not knowing what wrong thing he said or done.

Thea slapped his head again and said, "Though we are from different races, we can meet each other. There are teleportation devices that could let us meet even if we are half the world apart from each other. I can easily reach you in the snap of a finger".

Jake rubbed his head in embarrassment. He truly forgot about the teleportation. Since the native kingdoms don't trust them fully, there is no teleportation between them but there are some regions that they could teleport to, the cities that are under jurisdiction. This was done for the awakeners who choose other races, rather than a human.

Though most choose humans as their race when they enter the new world, there are many who choose other races because the professions sometimes depends on the races they select. though this is not possible for humans, it was rather common for Elder Races.

They say it should be related to their bloodlines and common affinities of races.

Most Elves have wind or Nature affinity and are good at archery. They also have better affinity pertaining to mages.

Dwarfs are good at blacksmithing. Their works are well known among nations.

Gnomes are good at creating golems and other engineering works. There is no other race that is as good as them.

Some races have a higher affinity for magic, some have higher physical strength which was suitable for the warrior class.

It is for this reason, that not everyone chooses to be a human, after all in their own world they are humans. It was a rare chance to be something different and they wouldn't miss it.

Thea too took the chance to become an Elf, while Jake chose human, even though his primary weapon is a bow. If he had chosen Elf as his race, the power of his archery would have reached another level but he didn't do that as he has a good reason.

He has some goals in his life that he wants to fulfil at any cost. For that to happen, he has to be human, in both worlds.

"I am sorry Thea, I forgot about that", Jake said after thinking for a while.

Thea just harrumphed and started to pout.

Jake chuckled at her antics. It was like this always between them. He knew that he was acting with others when put a smile on his face but when he was with Thea he wonders sometimes whether it was a fake smile or a real smile that appeared on his face.

He sometimes feels that he shouldn't trust anyone but a few times that wouldn't be the case and that was when he was speaking with Thea or Selena.

Even though he was keeping secrets from them, no other person has earned the same trust that they had with him.

"How about we go shopping?" Jake said, after a second, trying to appease her.

A smile bloomed on Thea's face when she heard the word, 'Shopping'. Once she hears the magical word nothing matters to her.

"Come on, there is a sale at...", Thea dragged Jake, totally forgetting about what they were talking about a few seconds before.