(Jake's PoV)
Today is the first day of our class. The class I was assigned to was 1F, the lowest of all.
"1" denotes the year, while "F" denotes the class.
The classes start at F, which is the lowest and ends at S, which is the highest. The order is like this: F, E, D, C, B, A, and S.
All the students that were able to enter the academy are considered top students. So, there is no way that I could be placed in B or above but I thought that I would be placed in Class C or D at the least.
That didn't pan out as I expected, but there is nothing that I can do for now. There is something that I can do in the future.
There is something called "Monthly Exams".
It is not actually an exam perse but challenges from lower class students to upper class students. Of course, there are certain rules or else the academy would be chaotic and instead of helping this would become a roadblock for students.