(Jake's PoV)
I reached 1C. Though I can be considered as someone of the lower rung, I still made it to class 1C. Only when I started to ascend the classes, did I see the differences of one class to another.
I thought that only the residential status and the food allocation were the things that were different but I was so wrong. The training facilities changed too.
The facilities that class 1C uses are much better than students of 1D or 1E. There is quite a leap in quality.
I heard that students from 1B and 1A have private facilities to train. No one would be there to disturb them.
What about the ones from 1S, no one has any idea about them. This was because, to this day, no one from 1S descended to lower classes. No matter how much 1A students train, they can't reach students of 1S.