Davos I (ACOK)

Ser Davos, the Onion Knight was returning from his voyage across the kingdoms, with his king's proclamation through the realm.

He had heard how King Stannis was having nightmares, and only Lady Melisandre could soothe him of them.

His mind was on Prince Jacob, as he could be having the same nightmares, as well and crying fits through the night.

"Poor boy, losing two of his uncles and Maester Cressen. How will he not go insane and start slaughtering and butchering all seven kingdoms in blood and grief."

Ser Davos was concerned, with Prince Jacob's cleverness and in grief for another uncle's death; it would be only time before the poor boy snaps and turns on those who love him.

The Lady Melisandre has been sharing the king's pavilion, as of late and was unsure of how Prince Jacob would feel about it.

"The prince will never allow such a thing; he loves his mother too much for her honour to be disrespected."

The Onion Knight was on Stannis's fleet, after doing his duty of passing on the king's message throughout the realm, no matter who hears it or ignores the message.

He wondered how Prince Jacob was doing, after finding his Uncle Renly dead in his tent; some thought it was Stannis, who had done the deed.

Nevertheless, Davos knew it was the Red Woman's sorcery, which committed the crime of murder.

He heard the prince is disposed for the day, as he was not well. "Grieving for his uncle, and wants to be alone."

The Onion Knight was loyal to his king for true, but he was more loyal to the prince, a boy he thought of as an eighth son and was worried about his wellbeing and safety, more than he did for the king.

He expected his sons to return soon from their duties of passing on the king's declaration throughout the East and as far as the White Harbor.

There was a war to be fought and ships to sail, how the Onion Knight could see the ship Lady Cassana, as it was a gift to the young prince, from the lords of House Hightower and he personally named it after his late lady grandmother.

"The boy's nameday had just passed and the only gift he had was seeing his Uncle Renly's blooded body lying on the ground of his pavilion."

When King Stannis captures the Iron Throne, then Ser Davos would think of something to get for the prince, as the age of six and ten was a milestone for a man of age.

The Onion Knight was on the king's biggest ship in his war galley, but he knew it wasn't enough for him to take King's Landing.

Then, he caught the sight of a man arriving aboard the ship, as he had at least three men with him.

Prince Jacob and King Stannis emerge from the pavilion, as they were all too familiar with the man.

Ser Davos also caught the sight of Ser Alester Florent; one of Prince Jacob's only remaining uncles left, and a man who defected over to the king's side after the death of Renly.

"In no doubt wanting to butter up his nephew, since his two other uncles are dead and wants to be the favourite."

The knight in question was Ser Cortnay Penrose, the castellan of Storm's End and the man responsible for educating the late king's bastard son.

He was a bit of harsh looking man; giving scorn towards the king's newly brought allies, especially Lord Florent.

"I see these men have easily abandoned Renly's cause to change sides so quickly. And you Ser Alester, who not only have changed sides, but changed gods as well." Ser Cortnay said sourly.

"Why are you here, ser, unless you give my father you answer of surrendering?" Prince Jacob replied.

"I will not accept your father's offer. I refuse to surrender Storm's End nor Edric Storm. I propose a match of single combat to settle the issue."

"Are you mad, ser or are you just desperate and stupid, we are at war and one small combat match will not make a difference." Prince Jacob muttered.

"I refuse to participate. I will take the castle by storm if I must." King Stannis snubbed the knight's offer.

"Bring on your storm, and if you do the name of this castle." The knight challenged.

"You are all dismissed." The king stated, dismissing all of the men around him, including Ser Cortnay, accept for the Onion Knight and his heir.

The Onion Knight stayed, as the king ordered him to and he was seeking his advice, over the counsel of all the other lords with him.

"What do you think of him, Ser Davos?" The Prince asked, twiddling his sword.

"I have great respect for Ser Cortnay, a man loyal to his faith, unlike the new additions to our forces." Ser Davos replied.

"I dislike them as much, but I need their forces if I am to take the throne. I sent Ser Parmen Crane to Bitterbridge to gather the remains of Renly's army, but there has been no word."

"The rest of the Stormlords have no choice, but to join us. However, the Tyrells will not after what happened to Renly and Paxter Redwyne having a personal hatred for me."

"Do you grieve for your brother, Your Grace?"

"Yes I do, and I dream of a green pavilion and the manner of my brother's death, even thought I was asleep at the time of his demise." The king says. "But, I did love him Davos. I know that now. I swear I will go to my grave thinking of that peach."

"No matter how things ended, Uncle Renly will be buried alongside Uncle Robert and the rest of our kin at Storm's End."

"We should strike for King's Landing, while the opportunity is here." Ser Davos suggested.

"I will not leave Storm's End undefended in my rear, for men who will consider me defeated there. I must have the boy, as Lady Melisandre has seen it in her flames, and also saw Ser Cortnay's death, as she saw Renly's at Dragonstone."

The Onion Knight caught Prince Jacob bristle, at the mention of the Red Woman, as he wasn't ignorant to how his uncle really died.

"I command you to bring Melisandre by boat under the cover of darkness, beneath the castle, as you did some fifteen years ago."

"What for what purpose, father?" The prince questioned, as he has been doing that as of late.

The king ignored his heir, as Ser Davos knew he would not answer such a question because the prince would have already figured out the answer.

Later that night, the Onion Knight was sickened by what he has to do for his king and prince in the cover of darkness.

He was with Lady Melisandre at this time, but was thankful her influence hasn't possessed the prince, as of yet.

"If the prince knew the true nature of his mission, then he would never forgive his father for it, as it looks to be setting the stage for another murder."

"My lady, are you good or evil." Ser Davos asked.

"I am a knight of sorts myself. A champion of light and life." Melisandre replied.

"You are a liar, for you mean to kill a man this very night, as you killed Maester Cressen and Renly."

"The maester drank his own poison and I had nothing to do with Lord Renly's death, but he was unprotected. The walls of Storm's End have spells woven through the stones, and no shadow can pass through."

"A shadow is a thing of darkness."

"Shadows don't exist in the dark, Onion Knight. They are servants of light and fire, provided by R'hllor."

Ser Davos and Melisandre were rowing on a small boat under the castle of Storm's End, as the knight was revolted of what he must to for his king.

Things were a lot simpler, before the Red Woman arrived on Dragonstone; he knew Melisandre first had to convert the Queen, as she will influence her husband in turn.

Luckily, Prince Jacob and the Onion Knight were in the North at the time of Melisandre's arrival.

The prince would have proven to be a strong challenger to her, and lead the King's Men against the Queen's Men for control of King Stannis's court.

Ser Davos saw how the newly converted Florents treated their rightful prince, some with contempt for the heir still keeping his faith with the Seven gods or those who will do anything to earn his trust and allegiance.

"I wonder how Ser Alester was late into the battle, should have sided with his nephew at first, rather than side with Lord Renly. The others of his house seek to influence the prince, while he is still missing his uncle."

When they arrived at a gate, in a water tunnel beneath the castle. The two stepped out of the boat to do deeper into the dark caves.

Ser Davos remembered coming here, at the time of the Siege of Storm's End, when he had to find a way into the castle without being crushed by the Redwyne fleet controlling the sea.

The prince was right about one thing, was of the hate Lord Redwyne had for the prince, as it was over spending a lot of time the lord's daughter, during his time in the Reach.

The Onion Knight was the only man in his king's court to know of these secrets, as he promised not to reveal them.

"The king and queen must find the prince a wife soon, the boy is of age and it's time for him to settle with someone, plus gain extra swords and men to our side."

If Ser Davos knew his prince well from, since he was a child, it was how he would never marry anyone else, but Lady Desmera Redwyne.

Although, it was Lord Jacob that loved the Redwyne girl, but Prince Jacob didn't give a damn about anyone, who wasn't loyal to his father.

The Onion Knight was hiding behind rocks and boulders, as he sees the Red Woman remove her ruby red robes from her person.

In horror and dismay, seeing the now pregnant woman giving birth to a shadow, as it was as black as the night.

The worst thing was Ser Davos recognised the man, who cast the shadow with the Red Woman.