i have a few paranormal events that happened all throughout my life, most of them are pretty tame. but there is one that got to me and still sticks with me today.
About 4 years ago i was ending my freshman year at college. i had lived in the dorms with a kickass roomate and pretty much had a great experience altogether. towards the end of my last semester something seemed different in my hall of the dorms. we were all still our lively selves but just walking into the dorms would give you this massive feeling of dread. we all wrote it off as the stress of finals approaching but it just felt off. Well one night after studying i decide to hit the shower so i can just wake up and make my way to class in a few hours.
before i keep going i should go ahead and set the layout of our hall and the bathroom. Our hall was one of many halls on a single floor, each hall had 4 rooms that accommodated 2 people each (or a single room for the RAs) the entrance to the halls were massive steel doors with a small window located at one end, and across from it was the bathroom. it seriously felt like a prison block rather than a living quarter for college students.
as for the bathroom itself, when you walked in you were immediately met with two sets of sinks(two sinks a side) on your left and right, with massive mirrors facing each other(and creating that infinite loop of mirrors). then past that you had your two urinals and a toilet stall on your left, and two showers on your right. When facing the left set of sinks you can clearly see into the showers from the mirror, if the door is open. and in the right set of sinks you can see the reflection of the shower. The door of the bathroom was identical to the entrance to the hall, a massive steel frame with a small window that didn't allow for much of a view (with good reason). the door was propped open with a giant wooden wedge that couldn't be moved unless you were really trying to close that door.
so back to the story. i'm all alone in the bathroom gearing up to go shower. i throw my change of clothes on the right side sink so that way i can reach around the stall and grab them. once i set my stuff down i happen to look up into the mirror and i can see in the distance something almost shimmering inside the shower stall. as i look at it i notice that it slowly gets closer, like its jumping from the furthermost layer to the next layer closer. I'm kind of unsettled but i don't think much of it other than me coming down off of a massive red bull, adderal, and caffeine kick. but it starts transitioning faster. as it gets closer i can start making out details but nothing vivid or striking, its just a dark mass that looks like its covered in hair. at this point i'm freaking out hardcore since this thing is getting closer in the mirror and i'm pretty much frozen to this one spot. as it gets to the 4th layer i get the closest look at this thing i'll ever get, and i regret every minute of it. it wasn't hair but some kind of long flowing veil, you could see through it partially but from the torso down it was just solid black, and the face, i can't describe it. it was clearly human but at the same time it was so far removed. there were eyes, they were black but definitely glowing somehow. i only saw this for maybe a second at the most, but its burned into my mind forever. then the lights cut out and i hear the door slam, its pitch black in the bathroom so i can't see this thing anymore. i go to open the door but it won't budge, and then this intense smell of blood hits me out of nowhere, and that's all i remember.
i woke up later in the hospital, from what my RA claims he was on his way to go use the bathroom sometime after this happened where he found me in the shower stall with my shirt covered in blood from a massive nosebleed. he tried asking me what happened and according to him all i could respond with was "it saw me" and i start freaking out. so he calls an ambulance and they get me to the hospital. all the while i'm apparently freaking out so they sedate me to get me to calm down.
i'm coming too around the time my parents show up, worried sick of course. i ask them what happened and according to the doctors they believe i had a seizure however they ran CAT scans soon after i was cooperative enough to do so and found no sign of any seizure occuring, not to mention epilepsy doesn't run in my family at all, and having taken adderal countless times in the past (and since then) i've never had a similar side effect (neither hallucinations or potential seizures)
to this day i still can't bring myself to look into a mirror for more than a minute, and just being stuck in a room with one for an extended period will just cause me to break down. I've been to therapy going on three years because of this, and i've talked to countless religious leaders who, besides giving me the general "well you should turn to God in times like these" talks, don't recognize that kind of pattern as anything "demonic or evil." and the strangest thing is that before that incident there were no actual claims of activity in those dorms, and since i left there hasn't been any either. it was just that one isolated incident.