Up until I was about 6 or 7, I kept having strange dreams. It was kind of like a tv show, I'd watch this woman's life play out in a series of events. I didn't even know who the lady was I kept seeing in my dreams. Most of it was random stories like her coming home from work one day to find out her oldest daughter had locked her sister out of the house naked. I had dreams of watching this woman beat her children. I watched this woman and her boyfriend get into drugs, I watched them shoot up heroine before I even knew what it was. I even watched this woman die of AIDS in a hospital bed. None of it made sense to me until I even watched this woman's funeral. The last dream I ever had was the boyfriend rape the oldest daughter, throughout that entire horrific scene, I could hear the womans voice, "Tell her I'm sorry! Please Vanessa, tell her I'm sorry! I should've listened". At this point I woke up majorly panicked, not just from what I had seen, but because this woman called out to me by name! So I finally go to my mom and I'm talking so fast, trying to get it all out... and my mom is just standing there with her jaw to the floor as I'm recalling my dreams, and her childhood memories. When I get to the apology, she started to sob uncontrollably. I want to note that my mother never told me anything about my grandma, or her childhood prior to these dreams. I had never even seen a photograph of her.
TL;DR My grandma showed me scenes from her life, asked me to apologize to my mom for not listening to my mom about the bf raping her.