not my story its about a relative . story is about something she experienced in 2013 when she worked as an insurance claims inspector. She typically called her clients about 30 minutes before showing up for a site inspection. One day, she called a client's home phone to let them know that she was on her way and a very old-sounding woman answered the phone with what sounded like a poor, static-filled connection: "Hello? Can you hear me? Hello?"
After she was disconnected, she called back. There was no answer. She then tried the cell phone number on file and a young woman answered, saying she was out but would return within 30 minutes. When she arrived, the insurance inspector rang the doorbell, thinking that whoever initially answered the home phone would answer the door. However, no one did.
A few moments later, the young woman who answered the cell phone arrived. Apologetic, the inspector explained that she might have woken up the younger woman's mother. The woman looked confused and scared and explained that there wasn't an older woman living in the house.
After going inside, they checked the caller ID and discovered that when the inspector called, someone had answered the first call. The young woman become pale and terrified as she explained that she had recently moved into this home and had been telling her husband that she thought their house was haunted by an old woman.