Chapter 41 : Hotel

I have several but a couple are from my mom, who also worked in hotels.

The first is to acknowledge that people die in hotels more often than we think. Within the first 3 years of the property I worked at being open we had a person die in their room from a heart attack. He was a long term guest working in fracking so he'd leave early in the morning and come back late at night. I typically avoided him at all costs because he'd made some really inappropriate and suggestive comments to me a few times and I remember the night he died having him come to the desk and thinking "please just go away." I worked for 4 years after he died and every couple of weeks I'd hear the back door unlock but not open (when you used your key outside it made a loud sound) and see a movement detector pop up on our surveillance screen that would track from that door to the hall where his room had been, sometimes it would pop up in the little honor system store we have before moving to the hall. After about a year of this happening my coworker mentioned something about it and we realized we'd both seen it happening.

My mom's hotel had several deaths, one was a woman who didn't pass in the hotel but was declared dead at the hospital and another was a SIDs infant. There were also some disturbing things happening, in one the room had blood all over it and an apology note but no one was in the room and another case involved the FBI looking to locate a child who had been trafficked. They located the hotel because a billboard seen through a window of the hotel room. All of these things happened in the same room. There was always a weird feeling in the room, when I worked the front desks there would be phone calls down but no one on the other line. Noise complaints but the room was empty, that sort of thing. Housekeepers checking empty rooms would ask if anyone has been moved out of that room (not unusual, it faces a highway) because there were impressions on the bed but no record of a move happening. One time we had a guest come down the next morning and casually say "you know that rooms haunted, right?" before just walking out. I feel like none of this is keep you up at night terrifying but it's all unnerving to experience.