Chapter 44 : Never fuck with an ouija board.

When I was 15, paranormal activity came out. My friend and I decided to try the ouija board. We spoke to this guy named frank and I remember he used to say fucked up things like 'my mum is standing behind you and she doesnt like you' 'I'll overdose on pills'. Just weird and cray dark shit. But my friend and I both thought we were fucking with eachother trying to freak eachother out.

A few weeks later I was sleeping in bed. I had a shelf above my bed head, that had my grad teddy from primary school sitting ontop (The teddy has sat there for years without being moved). And there was dresser with a mirror at the end of my bed. I woke up to the teddy falling ontop of my head and when I would wake I would wake up looking directly into my mirror. There I saw a girl brushing her hair infront of my dresser. I rubbed my eyes numerously and instead of her disappearing she became more clear. But the more I stared, it was like I was looking at myself when I was even younger (like 6-7yr old) as she had thick auburn hair but was wearing a very old style/type of nightgown. Soon realized it wasnt. I hid under the covers and after checking numerous times to see if she was gone, she finally disappeared. Fully freaked me tf out.

Anyway we stopped doing the board and did other things normal teenagers do. I never told anyone about what i saw bar a few friends but put it down that i was seeing things and was still dreaming. Fast forward 11 years - I'm now 26. I picked up my sister and was driving her home and she randomly starts talking about when my friend and I played the board. And shes like 'jose (my other sister) and I swear you brought something into the house' I shrug and I'm like 'why do you think that?' And shes like 'we used to wake up seeing a girl brushing her hair infront of us'.

I SLAMMED THE BRAKES AND WAS LIKE 'WTF!?!' And shes like 'yeah she didnt say or do anything just brush her hair' and then I fessed up that I saw her too but I thought I was dreaming. Anyway we both havent seen her for many years which I consider lucky because I don't want anything in the house. But I must admit it does still freak me out and I really dont want to see her again 🤞🙏

Moral: dont fuck with the board. It's legit. Its fucked and if my sisters and I all saw the same ghost. You may invite something in who you'd never want in your house. 👻☠