
'Love, they say may change people, but hate makes people into beasts.'

In his world, there was a good in everyone. No one cared if you were a loser or a winner, all that mattered was peace.

His father could do anything for wealth, greed and power. He was of little importance, but nevertheless tried his best to help him in the ways he could.

Lucian, was feared, not for how much attention he gained due to his good looks, but for how much power he wielded within. To which even he was unaware.

He was feared as much as he was hated. Many wished to kill him. And though he had been robbed of things both known and unknown, they still wished to rob his life from him.

His father, Noah had agreed to kill him in other to get his eldest son Leo married to the princess of the noble kingdom.

They had arranged to poison him. The poison would weaken his powers and magic, before robbing him of his own life. But they weren't satisfied, they took him to a discreet area and decided to beat him up, mainly on the head. So he would die.

It's funny how fate works doesn't it. The same person they tried to kill so despperately and failed, came back....

But there was a tie to it... he came back with only the agony of pain and the zeal for revenge.


I groan, squeezing my eyes shut doesn't help with the throbbing pain which fills my head seconds later. It hurts, so much that I find myself grimacing in bed.

I slowly open my eyes, but quickly shut them again due to the harsh light. I wince at the spear of pain the action quickly sends to my head.

I get up with much effort, but as I do I hear rushing steps towards me. I don't open my eyes not as I hear steady breathing. The smell of spring, and of fresh flowers filled my nostrils.

"be careful," a soft voice whispers to me, its nearly inaudible. To the point I nearly think I had imagined it, but the faint touch on my shoulder says otherwise.

"I'm fine." I say stiffly, trying hard not to wince as I sit upright.

"of course you are." I could hear the sacarzm in those words.

"with little portion of a deadly poison in your system which practically nearly paralyzed you and a nearly fractured skull... Of course you're fine." The voice says, and there's a huff added too. I would have rolled my eyes for sure if I wasn't still in excruciating pain. But still I don't say anything.

I sit there concentrating on my breathing. Meanwhile, from my side I notice some movements. Soon, I spot the pink dress first, similar to that of ruby. But then I blink and find a lady in front of me. And I hate to admit this, but she was beautiful.

Her eyes sparkled like crystals. Her hair, red like waves of flames which never died out. Her lips, rose pink and her face looked like it had been shaped like a god or something.

"oh no, mom I think he's traumatized." I hear her mutter, as she stares into my eyes. Her crystal eyes felt like they were boring holes into my skull.

I cleared my throat, and I regret it instantly as a burning sensation fills my throat like its on fire. "umm... I'm fine." I say for the second time.

She gives me an unamused look.

"I know," she deadpans, with a glare. But as soon as her eyes scan my injuries, her stern look softens.

"who did this to you?" she asks so soft I have to blink to be sure I wasn't hallucinating again.

"I.." I pause, and for a moment painful images fill my head; I could feel my heart swell in agony. But all too quickly the images vanish and all too quickly I forget what I see.

I try to utter another word but nothing comes out, perhaps... I was traumatized. I was beginning to feel heavy in the chest now.

"It's okay," she says softly, with a small smile which nearly blinds me. "here, take this." she says, stretching a hand towards me with a small soup plate filled with what looked like a brown liquid. Was it tea?

I arc my brow at it, but her reply ends my train of thoughts instantly.

"Don't worry, this won't kill you. This is a herb which will help nullify some of your pain if not all." she says calmly. "You mean, painkillers?" I ask.

"or you could say that." she says, urging me to drink.

It takes me good two minutes to take the soup plate from her hands before drinking it all.

Mind you, the painkilling herb or whatever it was tasted horrible.

"It might taste bad, but it will help." she says, taking the empty plate from my hands.

Oh now you tell me. I resist the urge to roll my eyes at her, though because it meant I'll use energy. And I didn't have enough of that now.

She helps me lay down, before she turns around to leave.

"I never got your name?" I ask so softly, I don't believe its me.

I turn my head slowly to the side, in time to see her freeze. She doesn't turn over to look back at me.

"It's Luna." she said softly, head lowered.

"Lucian." I tell her softly.

"Lucian..." she repeats and for a moment I could have sworn I heard her smile, but before I can reason it any further she's gone.

And soon after, my consciousness follows.
