
There was total chaos everywhere. I was growling in furry, how on earth hadn't I sensed it earlier.

They were here, they were damn here.

"what's going on?" Luna asked scanning around the place.

"It's a 'Mogwai'." I hiss, her eyes widen technically.

"what?" she asks. I try getting to my feet, which caused me much pain than normal.

"but... Blair.. and Wayne.." she begins with panic evident in her voice.

I was on my feet now, trying to move. "be careful, your bones aren't strong yet." she said already at my side.

"I'm fine, go alert your friends before its too late." I say with a groan, not paying much attention to myself. She looks hesitant, "I'll be right here." I assure her.

She is reluctant at first, but then with a sigh she turns around. Making her way through the smoke as fast as she can, to warn her friends.

And soon, I'm standing barely on my feet, watching her disappear through the fog of smoke. I grit my teeth as I scan around frantically looking for an opening in the smoke. I wanted to smack my head against a wall so hard, really.

Why do I always go ahead to be a good person? 

Putting myself in a life and death situation wasn't a good way to go. But again, her life was more important than mine currently.

I summon the last ounce of strength left in me, deflecting a fiery fire ball with a near miss. 

Whoever shot that ball really meant business.

I groan in pain, as realization hits me like a brick. These people weren't attacking the people for fun, they were here because of me.

I blink, smoke filling the air.  Out of it emerges a figure. I grit my teeth hard to hurt, groaning and limping as I do so. I take a careful step back.

"you..." I say, it was meant to be a threat, but it comes out weaker than I expected.

Why was I so weak? My magic... I was dangerously low on energy so I couldn't harness it.

Ahead in front of me, is a tall lean wooden like figure approaching me. Its face covered with a mask, and with a gaze like that of a predator.

The look in its eyes, I knew it too well to mistake it for something else.

"who sent you?" I call out, but I don't get a reply. Rather the unknown figure's pace increases, and the grip of its right wooden hand around the sword tightens. More than usual.

"I stumble backwards but hold my ground. The mysterious wooden figure lifts the sword high above my head, intending to smite me with it. I don't move, I don't even try to. The zeal to do that was gone too.

Faster than my eyes could catch, someone jumps in between us both. And hugs me instead. The sword lands, but is deflected by an unseen shield surrounding us both.

I still, in surprise; throat suddenly dry. I had never been hugged before, so right now... I didn't know what to do.

The hair of the individual hugging me, I noted was long enough it reached the waist.

It is a lady.

The grip around my neck tightens as she sobbed. It was then I recognized who this stranger was.

"Luna?" I ask, voice low and filled with surprise. By now the mysterious wooden frame had been sliced in two. From head to toe.

The shield deflected the attack, so well that the damage caused exceeded the help of regeneration. This meant, the nuisance won't be able to heal itself anymore.

"I'm sorry" she says amidst sobbing, and my heart melts instantly.

"It wasn't your fault."  I tell her softly, staring into space.

Subconsciously my hands wrap around her in a comforting hug.

My eyes flutter to a close and soon I feel alive again. My internal pains gone, physical wounds healed.

I inhale her scent, the sweet smell of spring and autumn soon fills my nostrils.

"it is." she says after a while.

"they're only here because of me." Luna tells me pulling away and staring into my eyes.

"what do you mean?" I ask her, confusion stepping in.

She inhales before she continues any further. "you haven't been unconscious for a few days Lucian..." a short pause.

"you've been unconscious for a year." Luna says, voice calm and low.

My hands fall to my sides.

A year?!
