
I make my way to the hills with a throbbing ache in y chest. Was this how my story would end? I needed to speak to her just once.

I was at the bottom of the hill, but she spotted me first. She ran towards me with arms open wide and tears flowing down her eyes.

"You're alive!" she yelled as she ran, voice laced in her words. I smile back but find myself falling to my knees. She rushes to me and hugs me.

"You'll be fine." she says holding my face in her hands when she notices how tired I am.

I smile. "I know." I say, eyes feeling drowsy. She holds unto me while she calls for help.

"Wayne! Blair! I need help with Lucian!" And soon people come running towards us, but I black out before they reach us both.

'Luna keep me safe, I'm counting on you.' I whisper before entering complete oblivion.